Thursday, September 15, 2011

Child Claims Abuse - Using A Video Surveillance Camera In Child Custody Cases

No one wants to see a child placed in unsafe or abusive situations and nowadays child custody cases don’t just involve one parent making accusations against another.  You could be contacted by a grandparent, an aunt or uncle or neighbor who is filing for custody of a child and wants evidence of wrong doing by one or both parents.

child custody law
In some cases, these clients may want to collect evidence of certain behaviors such as:
  • Neglectful behaviors such as not fastening seat belts or using car seats. Leaving a child in the car while the parent runs into the store or some other place. Excess partying with the child in the home, or an unclean or unsafe environment.
  • Placing The Child In Danger.  Using drugs in front of child, driving while drunk, having known child abusers visit or spend the night in the home, allowing the child to play with improper toys,or alleged sexual or physical abuse by one or both parents.

Collecting evidence of any of these situations should consist of both observation and use of video taped evidence as well as interviews of neighbors, teachers, and relatives of the child.

Know the laws for video taping in your state.  In most cases you can video tape anything that occurs in public such as a yard that is cluttered with unsafe objects, a car, the front door the home, what is going on in a public parking lot, school grounds, or park. Spy Cameras

When A Child Claims Abuse
In a case where the child itself is claiming abuse you can use video tape to get their accusations however, you must be extremely careful not to ask any leading questions that would suggest to the child the answer you are looking for.  You may also want to video tape or take pictures of any bruises or physical signs that abuse is going on.

Keep in mind that many times in child custody cases your client may have an ulterior motive for wanting to hurt the child’s parent or caregiver.  If your investigation reveals no bad behavior or danger to the child then let the video tape and your report show your findings.  While it is easy to want to save a child that you feel is being neglected or abused don’t get caught up in your client’s drama. Instead let the evidence speak for itself.

If you suspect wrong doings taking place you might want to consider installing a video security camera system around the perimeter of your residence. Wireless IP Camera systems even allow you to monitor your cameras remotely from another location. Get the peace of mind you need knowing that if something goes wrong that it will be documented with a video recording.

Also keep in mind that if you do become suspicious that child neglect or abuse is going on, many states demand that you immediately report this to the proper authorities.  Refusing to speak up for the sake of your investigation will not do the child or your reputation any good.

More info , Welcome refer to:

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