Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Top 10 Tips for a Healthy Brain ,by

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Want to enjoy lifelong brain health? The following behaviors are pulled from existing research on aging from the biological, psychological, social, and gerontological sciences.
1. Engage Yourself in the Complex and Novel
Learning new information and skills across your entire lifespan helps to keep your brain strong even in the later years of life. Activities that have the highest value for brain health are those that are novel and complex to each particular person. What is easy for one person may be challenging for another, so the things that challenge you the most have the most value for your brain.
It is the novel and complex that will challenge the brain, stimulate learning, and promote synaptic density, decreasing the likelihood that neurodegenerative disease will manifest. With practice of an activity or skill, your synaptic density increases, and what was once novel and complex can easily become rote and passive. Therefore, continually learning new things will ensure your brain is always expanding and staying sharp!
Mental Stimulation Exercise:
This activity is designed to help you understand what is personally novel and complex for you, versus what is rote and passive.
  • Take out a sheet of paper, and divide the paper in half.
  • In the left column, list five activities that you enjoy and have fun with, and do most frequently. This list represents activities that are rote and passive. Your mind is already comfortable with these activities , which lessens the benefit it has on your brain.
  • In the right column, list five activities that you find complicated, and don’t engage in frequently. This list represents activities your brain has not yet formed strong neural connections with, they are the complex and novel. These activities will likely benefit the development of new connections in your brain.
2. Exercise Regularly
Exercise has the positive effect of enhancing successful aging. Exercise performed on a routine basis may not only reduce the risk of neurodegenerative disease, but also may help to slow the course of an existing disease, such as Alzheimer’s.
Exercise can improve our energy levels, sense of well-being, sleep, and brain health. Engaging in regular exercise also reduces the risk of depression and anxiety. Identifying why we do not exercise permits us to systematically break down our barriers, and to slowly change our behaviors towards a healthy lifestyle.
3. Socialize and Have Fun!
Friends provide opportunities to enable the sharing of experiences, new learning, challenges, emotions, trust, and understanding. Friendship also provides the necessary motivation towards activity and involvement. Engaging in new pursuits with friends often helps develop new life roles, which provide us with an opportunity to feel appreciated, enjoy life, laugh, and have fun. Parent-teacher organizations, church, sports teams, and other groups and organizations are great places to develop relationships with other people.
4. Be Health Conscious
It is important for us to take control of our health and understand that we are in charge of managing of our bodies. Physicians work for us, and when it comes to our bodies we are the boss. Once we establish our own role in the management of our health, the importance of a close and trusting relationship with our physician becomes apparent.
Open communication can help the physician make sound decisions regarding our health. A team approach can help establish a united front against illness, and more importantly, promote our health. To keep yourself at your healthiest , maintain regular physical examinations, and follow your physician’s advice.
5. Slow Down and Appreciate the Silence
Our society is evolving at an increasing rate, leaving us with little time to relax and process our environment. Our brains require time to process information more deeply, in order to gain more benefit from our daily experiences. The implications of a fast-paced lifestyle are chronic stress and other negative effects on our health and well being. Reducing demands we place on ourselves is an important step towards stress reduction, and a more fulfilling life.
A new field of study referred to as neurotheology has been advancing the study of the neurophysiological correlation between prayer and subjective experience. Multiple studies have shown a relationship between spirituality and the immune system. As we continually learn more about the potential of positive thoughts influencing health, people are beginning to integrate these practices more frequently into their daily lives, and experiencing life-changing results.
6. Do Not Retire from Life
Maintaining a strong sense of purpose in life is an important contributor to longevity. Making a conscious decision to stay actively involved in your daily routine is beneficial to your lifelong health and well being. Positive attitude has been shown to play a significant role in success, as well as your ability to recover from illness.
It is important to develop multiple skills and interests over your lifespan, as we have the ability to learn and develop new talents continually over time. It is our responsibility to nurture different roles and develop personal meaning and life purpose. Work can also be a necessary activity to help us find more meaning in our lives. Matching our passions in life with an occupation is powerful , and can promote our talents and potential in significant ways.
7. Reduce and Eliminate Smoking, Drinking and other Drugs
Mood altering substances, such as drugs and cigarettes, can decrease our functioning, lower our motivation, and impair our cognitive processes. They alter our emotions, which impairs our thinking by reducing focus, attention, memory, and our ability to execute plans.
Smoking is one of the leading causes of over a dozen cancers, including lung, oral, stomach, and liver cancer. Not to mention it stains our fingers, teeth and hair, and leaves us with foul-smelling breath!
8. Set Financial GoalsA well developed plan for financial security is a great way to stimulate your Executive Functions (responsible for complex activity like organization, scheduling, impulse control, and more). Keeping track of your expenses, and being aware of where your money is going, helps you feel more in control of your financial situation. No matter what expenses you have, set aside 5% a month for yourself—you will thank yourself later!
9. Adopt a Nutrient-Rich Diet .
Over-consumption of high calorie food is a major issue for modern society. Understanding why we eat and what we eat is one of the most critical influences on our health and longevity. Brain-health-promoting-food includes Omega-3 fatty acids found in foods such as fish, flax seed, and nuts. Foods with naturally occurring Vitamin E and Vitamin C have an antioxidant effect. Folate may also help to reduce the risk of some neurodegenerative illnesses and developmental disorders.
10. Maintain Strong Connections
Our ability to communicate and interact with others is critical to maintaining strong connections. Isolation has been shown to reduce our overall health. Research demonstrates the importance of a social network in reducing the risk of Dementia . Our ability to continually develop relations and sustain them across our lifespan represents significant health-promoting behaviors, such as stress reduction, new learning, and emotional expression.
Note: It is important to recall that our brain does not operate in isolation from the rest of the body. Rather, the human body operates as a symphony, producing a behavioral harmony of life. The heart has a particularly important relationship with the brain with nearly 25% of the oxygen and blood from every heartbeat designated for the brain. Accordingly, some of the lifestyle behaviors proposed for brain health have similar benefit for the cardiovascular system.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Just got an iPad? The best apps, accessories and tips | by

So, Santa stuffed an ipad into your stocking on Christmas (insert mythical figure / appropriate receptacle / holiday of choice), and you’re wondering what to do with the thing? First of all, congratulations! The iPad can be a wonderful, loyal companion and friend, but it can also take a while to warm up to. As we always say, a device is only as good as its apps, both literally and figuratively: it’ll take some time to figure out what you want to get from the iTunes Store that will flesh out your experience, but it will also take some time to see which nooks and crannies of your life the iPad can fill, and what roles you’ll want it to take over from your laptop and phone. Follow along after the break as we show you how to wring the most out of your shiny new tablet.

iPad apps

Netflix (free). We’ve probably spent more time watching Netflix than doing anything else on the iPad. The app is free, the service is cheap, and the content is plentiful. The UI isn’t as elegant as some of the other apps Acer as09b35 battery , but it’s what’s on the queue that counts.
Hulu+ (free). Another free app, another paid service. Unlike Netflix, Hulu+ has some ads, and it’s tough to swallow paying for stuff you might get for free in your web browser, but that doesn’t seem to be stopping anybody — video and the iPad were just meant to be.
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Kindle (free). There are plenty of e-book services, all of them with competent iPad apps, but Kindle is our favorite. It syncs beautifully between iPhone, Kindle, iPad, and any other device you might think of, and has a very simple, fast UI.
Zinio (free). Zinio is to magazines what Kindle is to books. Instead of trying something ultra fancy and “magazine 2.0″-ey, Zinio just takes the original magazine layouts and presents them in a simple iPad view. There are free preview articles to get your feet wet, and the magazines themselves cost about the same as print subscriptions and off-the-rack copies will cost you.
Engadget (free). It’s free, and it’s Engadget. What more do you need to know?
Pages ($9.99). This is the MS Word of the iPad. We wish it was a bit smarter about accessing your files (Google Docs sync, anyone?), but the great UI and surprisingly deep feature set makes it the de facto document editor for the tablet .
GoodReader ($2.99). GoodReader works as the bridge between your iPad and wherever you might’ve stashed your documents online. You can set it up to sync from Google Docs, MobileMe, Dropbox and more, and it has great formatting and annotating abilities for reading and Acer squ-406 battery marking up your PDFs or .docs.
Dropbox (free). Dropbox builds its own app for getting files on and off the cloud, and it’s very good as well. You lose a bit in functionality, in comparison to GoodReader, but you gain a vastly simpler interface.
Twitter (free). This shouldn’t need any explanation, but kudos to Twitter for creating a beautiful and functional #iPadapp.
Adobe Ideas (free). There are plenty of great drawing apps for the iPad (Brushes, Art Studio, and SketchBook come to mind), but Adobe Ideas is free, simple, Acer as09d31 battery and very pretty to look at.
Beatwave (free). There are lots of ways to create beats and loops on the iPad, but Beatwave is just fun. It’s free as well, though you can pay to unlock further functionality.
Virtuoso (free). Another free gem, Virtuoso is a piano. You get two rows of keys, and you can either use them both yourself (one set as the bass octaves, one for the treble, for instance), or you can flip one row around for use by a friend. “Heart and Soul,” here you come!
KORG iMS-20 ($15.99). Want to make some serious music ? This synth studio isn’t cheap, but it’s chock full of “real” equipment to truly go wild with noise and beat creation.
udioTrack is a full-on multitrack recorder with a price to match, complete with effects chains and in-depth mixing. It’s perfect for “sketching” out song ideas — with instruments you play on your iPhone, naturally.
Rage HD ($1.99). It’s a tough match between Epic’s Infinity Blade and id’s Rage HD when it comes to best iOS graphics, but Rage HD is the clear winner when it comes to playability on the iPad. It’s an on-rails shooter, but has the frantic movement and shooting of a full-on FPSAcer as07b42 battery , and on the iPad’s large screen it’s easy to get immersed.
Solipskier ($0.99). Don’t play this game. It will consume you. Your family will never see you again, and you will dream only in ski-slope rainbows.
Zombie Infection HD ($0.99). This is a straight-up ripoff of Resident Evil, but Gameloft creates great ripoffs, and this game is no exception .
Flight Control HD ($4.99). Looking for something a bit more relaxing? Flight Control HD is the Pina Colada of iPad games, with a simple mechanic of drawing lines and landing planes. You can go head to head against a friend on your iPad, or play iPad vs. iPad over WiFi.
Real Racing HD ($9.99). Real Racing HD was one of our favorite games when the iPad was first launched, and it’s still great. There’s something about the fact that the iPad is about the size of a steering wheel that makes racing games just feel great on the iPad Acer as07b41 battery , and this one’s the king. However, Real Racing 2 just hit the iPhone, complete with licensed cars and better graphics, so if you’re patient you might wait for that version to show up on the iPad as well.
Scrabble ($0.99). If you’ve got an iPhone and all your friends do too, there’s only one thing left to do: play Scrabble. You get a “Tile Rack” app for each phone, and the actual Scrabble app for the iPad, and proceed to play the world’s most decadent game of Scrabble.

iPad cases and accessories

Dodocase ($59.95). There are two main categories of iPad cases, and the one you’ll choose depends on how you see the device: is it a reading tablet, or is it an everything else tablet? The Dodocase is the perfect example of the former, ensconching your iPad in a handcrafted Moleskine-style book .
Incase Convertible Magazine Jacket ($49.95). This case is more of the latter, taking cues from Apple’s own iPad case but adding extra flexibility. It’s perfect for propping the iPad up into a typing position, or protecting it from the elements. Just don’t expect to impress any of your fellow hipster coffee shop campers.
Apple Keyboard Dock ($69). If you’re using the iPad for writing, this dock is pretty much a must. It obviously only allows your iPad Acer batbl50l6 battery to stand vertically, but that makes the most sense for typing anyway. If you want a bit more flexibility, you can buy the iPad dock alone ($29), sans keyboard, and provide your own Bluetooth keyboard.
Pogo Stylus ($14.95). Don’t expect this to turn you into Rembrandt, but if you find yourself spending a lot of time in the iPad’s myriad quality drawing applications, it can’t hurt.
Camera Connection Kit ($29). The iPad can’t completely replace your computer (yet), but it can get pretty close with Apple’s Camera Connection Kit. The two adapters let you plug in your camera’s USB cable or SD card, respectively, allowing you to offload your pictures and upload them to Flickr or Facebook or wherever your heart takes you. New, unofficial kits are also emerging that combine both functions into one adapter.

Tips and tricks:

How to lock / unlock the screen rotation: In the beginning there was the orientation lock switch. And it was good. Now Apple has turned that switch into a mute switch and moved to a software lock. It’s not the worst hassle, but it can be a major pain if you don’t know where to find the software lock. Here’s what you do: double tap the home button. That should pull up Acer aspire 5520 battery a list of recently used application (this is for fast switching between apps). You can swipe left to see even older apps, or swipe right to get a little control panel. On the left is the orientation lock / unlock button you were looking for, and there’s also easy access to brightness and iPod controls.
Put Gmail on your iPad: Wait is there actually a Gmail app for the iPad? Yes and no. There’s no native application, sadly, but Google has built a beautiful web UI for using Gmail on the iPad, and we recommend putting a bookmark on your home screen pronto. To add Gmail (or any website) to your homescreen, simply go to your Gmail in Safari, then tap the button directly to the left of your address bar (it’s a box with an arrow coming out of it), then select the “Add to Home Screen” option. You’ll get an option to name the application (we stuck with “Gmail), and then you just tap the “add” button and Safari will place the shortcut in with the rest of your iPad apps Acer aspire 5920 battery .
Getting files on and off: Sadly, one of the hardest things to do with the iPad is to put files on it. Then, once they’re on, it’s just as difficult to get them off. There’s no file browser, like on a regular computer, and if you plug the iPad into your computer it doesn’t show up as a hard drive, it just shows up in iTunes. No solution is one-size-fits-all, but here are a few of the ways we deal with this major shortcoming.
  • Email: Yeah, you probably thought of this already, but it’s still one of the best ways to get stuff on the iPad. Just email an attached document to yourself, then open it up on the Mail app. You should get a nice thumbnail of the document, and then when you tap it, Mail will open its own preview of that document if it can. If you just wanted to view the file, that should be fine, but if you want to work on it, tap the button in the top right corner (the box with the arrow coming out of it) and you should get an option to open the Acer aspire 4720 battery file in the default application for that file type, along with an “open in…” button that lets you pick from any other applications you might have that will work with that file. After that it will be up to your application of choice how it deals with the file. If you get stuck you can always go back to the Mail app, where the original document will be waiting for you, untouched.
  • iTunes: It’s surprisingly easy to miss, but Apple actual built some minor file management features into iTunes. Once you plug your iPad into your computer and open iTunes, you get all sorts of tabs for managing your music and movies and everything else on your device. The “apps” tab allows you to arrange applications and remove them from your device, but if you scroll down you get a “file sharing” list of applications that can give and receive documents. You simply click on the application you’d like to share a file with, tap “add,” and upload a file from your computer. Similarly you can select files already on your iPad and save them to your computer from this interface.
  • GoodReader: There are other applications that sync files to the “cloud,” but GoodReader is our favorite. You simply set it up with your Google Docs, Dropbox, MobileMe or even email account, and you can download files straight to your device and view them from within GoodReader. GoodReader also has an “Open in…” functionality for viewing and editing your files in other applications. You can sort your files into folders, download files off of websites, and connect to local servers over WiFi if you’re really desperate for the digital good stuff.
  • Dropbox: If you’re a Dropbox user, this is by far the simplest solution , providing a simple view of your online files, a lightweight viewer, and an quick shortcut to opening files in other applications.If you’re not a Dropbox user, this won’t do you much good.
So, that’s it from us, but if you’ve got your own favorite apps, accessories, and trick for the iPad, please sound off in the comments below!
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Windows 7 Freezes on Startup – Know Brings about and Come across Answer Here (part Two)
Windows 7 Freezes on Startup – Know Brings about and Come across Answer Here (part one) , New MacBook Air netbooks with 7 hours of Apple laptop battery life
How to Create App Folders On The iPhone or iPad , by
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Windows 7 Freezes on Startup – Know Brings about and Come across Answer Here (part Two)

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Cause five: Low RAM Ability – Take into account Upgrading RAM
If you happen to be working Windows 7 on your aged program then make it positive it has atleast one GB RAM house accessible. However, it’s far better you upgrade it additional to a couple of or four GB. In case the minimal ability of RAM is causing Windows 7 to freeze on startup then you may must upgrade it on top of that to scanning your system registry on a regular basis.
Bring about half a dozen: Stable Hues: Don’t Opt for the Strong Colors for Desktop Personalztion

Windows 7 has fantastic dekstop personalization selections available which is usually accessed by means of utilizing the “suitable-click on” alternative from the mouse on desktop. There is a person settings which some consumers enable to collection strong colors with the background photograph. If this will be the event then it truly is proposed you choose a uncomplicated desktop background image . It is possible to do that inside following way:
Desktop > Mouse Appropriate Click on > Personalization > Desktop Background > From Possibilities Unselect the Strong Hues Solution.

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Trigger 7: Aero Themes: Disable if These Themes are Behind Windows 7 Slow Boot
There’s a person tremendous solution in Windows 7 Sony vgp-bps14b battery which can be called the Aero Themes. Try to disable this alternative in case your Windows 7 freezes on startup. As we know desktop is the initially matter that happens up soon after the boot is accomplished, there is essential time for you to load heavy aero themes. Thus disabling these themes may well velocity up Windows 7 boot time and conclusion freezing problem likewise.
Bring about 8: Desktop Widgets: Seek to Disable These Widgets
As the Windows 7 loads it spots all the items in que even though it’s nevertheless booting. What happens is that as a result of far too several startup services, sometime Windows 7 freezes on startup. The desktop widgets for example Clock, Temperatures, and many others are also recognized to cause this freezing situation within the pcs.
Cause 9: Super-fetching Disabled? Try and Allow it
In some Windows 7 PCs there happens freezing inside boot procedure mainly because the super-fetching choice is disabled. You may permit this service to repair this problem in the following way:
Begin > Look for > Regedit > Now locate this subkey: HLKM\ TECHNIQUE\CurrentControlSet\ Manage \SessionManager\MemoryManagement\ PrefetchParameters.
Within the proper side, double-click EnablePrefetcher.
Change the value to two and mouse click OK.
Within the right aspect, double-just click EnableSuperfetch,.
Adjust the importance to a couple of and mouse click OK.
Now exit the registry editor and restart your technique to enable these settings bring impact. Right after using this very carefully, it really is really probably you will decrease freezing during Windows 7 startup.
Bring about ten: P2P Streaming/Other Suspicious Dell latitude e6400 battery Applications Creating Freeze at Start
It truly is rather attainable that some streaming plans is likely to be causing Windows 7 to freeze during the startup. If that is the case then it’s clever to eliminate such products.
Trigger 11: Outdated Drivers
If your technique is very ancient then it might have some with the drivers outdated. It is wise to replace all of your computerDell inspiron e1505 battery drivers to boost the boot-up procedure of your respective pc.
Following these recommendations will hopefully solve your trouble. It is advised you do not miss scanning Windows registry.
Definition of Registry: Registry could be the Windows database which outlets, inside type of registry keys, details about all of the personal computer products , softwares and hardwares.
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Windows 7 Freezes on Startup – Know Brings about and Come across Answer Here (part one)

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It really is fairly frustrating to see Windows 7 booting very gradual using a laptop or computer system. Identical agony is intensified when that occurs having a newer mobile computer. Why Windows 7 freezes on startup and how this dilemma may be fixed? To determine how, safely execute these tweaks and fix Windows 7 freezing concern:

Bring about – one: Antivirus Behind Win 7 Freezes: Temporarily Uninstall Your Antivirus Plan

Despite the fact that this might take some of one’s time, but it can be vital to try and do this laptop or computer hp laptop battery maintenance at this stage so as to repair the problem you’re facing.

Most from the times resulting from resource-intensive antivirus plans Windows 7 freezes on startup. These applications not just require much too extended to load themselves but also make the whole process gradual to boot.

You’ll be able to take a look at this lead to only by temporarily getting rid of your antivirus software package. Although I would not prefer to acquire name of any distinct software program, but it surely may be famous that the AVG leads to freezing situation due to which Windows 7 starts slow. If, right after removing the antivirus software program, yourcomputer system has started off to boot faster and with out any freezing, then plainly come to a decision to switch to some other anti-virus software program.

Result in-two: Registry Errors: Fix Windows 7 Registry With Some Efficient Registry Cleaner

The Windows 7 consists of a essential component known as Registry which may be the essential to all systems and expert services jogging on your technique. The registry component consists of immense quantity of registry information critical to run Windows 7 quicker at start out too as throughout the computing method.

If your Windows 7 freezes on startup then it really is extremely advised you run an productive scan by means of a registry cleaner and COMPUTER optimizer software .
Learn definition of Registry at conclusion.

Trigger several: Windows Stay ID Services: Can You Manage to Uninstall/Clear away these Expert services?

It has been observed in numerous PCs that credited to your Windows Are living ID solutions, especially beginning using the Windows startup bring about freezing during the boot course of action. If that you are not an everyday person of these companies then by way of Regulate Panel selection inside Windows 7 it is possible to uninstall them simply to repair Windows 7 freezing.

Trigger 4: Far too Numerous Startup Products Hp elitebook 8530w battery –Disable Some or All Software programs

When your computer starts off, you will find some softwares installed in your personal computer which are collection/configured to start together with the startup method. This puts a load through the boot and a personal computer operating Windows 7 freezes on startup and delays the entire method.

To disable these plans you are able to press Start off > Kind Msconfig in Investigation or Run > Startup > Select Disable  All or Decide on Companies to Disable them individually.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010 , New MacBook Air netbooks with 7 hours of Apple laptop battery life

A new MacBook Air laptop has been unveiled and Apple has hailed it as the first in a new generation of portable computers apple laptop battery.
This claim seems principally to be based on the new way in which the  Macbook will store and transfer its data, namely via solid state flash storage and various online services. The new storage systems are apparently 90 per cent smaller and lighter then traditional Apple hard drives, all of which mean the new Air is really quite impressively slender.

Apple describes its latest reinvention of the apple MacBook Hp pavilion dv3500 battery as having been “designed from the ground up to use flash storage exclusively” and the company makes clear that its recent research efforts in the realms of tablet PCs have helped inform development on the rest of its product range.

“We’ve taken what we have learned with the  ipad– solid state storage, instant-on, amazing battery standby time, miniaturisation and lightweight construction, to create the new MacBook Air,” explained Apple CEO Steve Jobs. – quality power laptop battery supplier of Dell laptop batteries, Toshiba laptop batteries, HP laptop batteries, Acer laptop batteries, Sony laptop batteries, HP laptop ac adapters, Toshiba laptop ac adapters Distributor & Wholesaler.

The precise weight of your Macbook will depend whether you buy the 11 or the 13-inch variety but either way there wont be much mass left for you to carry around.

With FaceTime built-in and hard drive crashes “eliminated”, an new version Air could well be a worthwhile purchase but whether it will “change the way we think about notebooks”, or even laptops, as Steve Jobs suggests we might, is certainly still open to conjecture.

Prices on Apple’s  dell xps m1330 battery newest laptop start from £849 for an 11-inch, two gigabyte memory, 64 gigabyte flash storage version and go to £1,349 for a 256 gigabyte device.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Technology and Children : Where to Find the Best Discounts in Tech

Being a student is financially tough. Not only do students have to worry about paying for food, room, gas and tuition, but they have to worry about paying for technology.

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Students need to figure out how to buy the technology they need because tech has become as essential to them as pens and paper were to another generation. Laptops are needed for general work. Software like Microsoft Office or Adobe's Creative Suite are used for word processing, presentations and visual arts and website design. Not only that, but students even have to pay vexing shipping rates, as shopping online is quite popular.

Fortunately, technology companies sympathize with the emptiness of a college student's wallet and offer educational discounts on a range of products.

Apple is a big proponent of student discounts, which makes sense given its products are popular on campuses around the country. The Cupertino-based company offers $50 to $200 discounts on the MacBook line of laptops and offers $50 discounts on desktop computers like the Mac Mini, iMac and Mac Pro.

During the warm summer months the company offers free iPod Touches, after mail-in rebates, to students who purchase a Mac computer for school.The only thing they'll need from you is a student ID to verify status as a college student.

If you don't want a Mac, PC manufacturers Dell and Hewlett-Packard offer student discounts as well. Dell goes straight for Apple and has an "Apples to Apples Comparison" promotion for students. Dell claims that students can save up to $1,000 on Dell laptops comparable to MacBooks in specifications. Dell even encourages students to buy things like an iPod Touch with their savings.

If Dell doesn't do it for you, HP will hopefully take care of you. It offers discounts on multiple products with both mail-in and instant rebates. HP is a little more strict in confirming student status than its PC-brethren in that HP says that "HP Home & Home Office Store reserves the right to contact you and request verification of your eligibility status and terminate your eligibility if not provided with such verification upon request."

Perfectly happy with your PC? Just need to upgrade to Windows 7? Microsoft has got your back. The software giant offers Windows 7 Professional Upgrade for a cool $64.94, which is a tremendous discount when you consider that it retails for a wallet-crunching $199.99.

That's not the only thing Microsoft offers. It also has a special on its newly-released Office for Mac 2011 -- 50% off. Both discounts require you to provide Microsoft with your university or school email address. Other software companies like Adobe are also offering discounts, with Adobe offering up to 80% off on software like Creative Suite 5 for students.

If you don't need any software, but shop a lot online, then Amazon Student would be a good option for you as you search  for your affordable tech needs. Amazon's program nets you free shipping for a year with Amazon Prime and discounts on certain products like textbooks. The program is free and only requires an .edu email address from your school or university to sign up.

With some of these deals, students will hopefully be able to save some money and spend less time balancing budgets and more time hitting the books.
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Guide dell laptop battery,About Dell Laptop Battery Frequently Asked Questions

Power Laptop Battery Care Tips by

pic  Guide dell laptop battery,About Dell Laptop Battery Frequently Asked Questions–Buy now save 30%.
Wholesaler & distributor of laptop batteries replacement for Compaq, HP, Dell, Acer, Sony, IBM, Toshiba. Our notebook batteries are made from high quality battery cells, which offer the quality and capacity as their (Original Equipment Manufacturer) counterparts. We guarantee our laptop batteries for full 1 year warranty and 30-day money back on every laptop battery.
1. How long does a dell laptop battery last? When should I consider replacing mine?
All rechargeable batteries wear out with time and usage. As time and cumulative use increase, the performance will degrade. For the typical user, noticeable reduction in run time generally will be observed after 18 to 24 months. For a power user, reduction in run time generally may be experienced prior to 18 months. We recommend buying a new Dell laptop battery when the run time does not meet your needs.
Dell latitude d530 Battery  Guide dell laptop battery,About Dell Laptop Battery Frequently Asked Questions
discount Dell latitude d530 Laptop Battery
2 .How long am I able to use my dell laptop on a fully charged battery?
Many factors affect the amount of time that a portable computer battery can deliver power before it must be recharged. These factors include the configuration (processor, memory, etc.), types of applications being run and display brightness.
Dell uses industry standard benchmarks for battery run time claims. For more information on battery run times and benchmarks, the white paper, “Understanding Battery Life in Portable Computers” is available.
3 .How do I charge my Dell laptop battery?
The battery charges in the laptop when the laptop is connected to an AC power source via the AC adapter.
4 .How long does it take for a Dell laptop battery to fully recharge?
The charge time varies depending on the system. If the system supports ExpressCharge, the battery typically will have greater than 80% charge after about an hour of charging, and fully charge in about 2 hours with the system off.
5 . Should I totally discharge, then recharge my Dell studio xps 1647 battery occasionally to make it last longer?
No, discharging and charging does not increase the life of a Lithium Ion technology battery.
6 . Can a Dell laptop battery be “overcharged”?
No, the Dell studio xps 1645 battery is designed to stop using the charger when it reaches full charge.
7 . Does Dell sell external battery chargers?
Dell precision m2400 Battery  Guide dell laptop battery,About Dell Laptop Battery Frequently Asked Questions
Cheap Dell precision m2400 Laptop Battery
Dell offers a Datamation battery charger for large institution customers. The charger has 16 charge bays to charge batteries for Latitude D500/D505/D510/D520/D600/D610 laptop systems. The product can be found at .
8 . Is it easy to install a battery?
Yes, very easy. First, make sure all open files are saved. Next, either attach the AC adapter directly to the laptop or set the system to “hibernate” mode or shut off. Release the latch on the current battery, and simply install the replacement battery.
9 . Will Dell laptops accept non-Dell batteries?
Dell has a rigorous qualification process by which all Dell batteries are validated to ensure proper function, performance and safety. Some non-Dell batteries are available in the market with claims of compatibility with Dell systems. Dell cannot verify these claims, nor the safety of using them in a Dell system. Dell strongly encourages our customers to use only Dell studio 1536 battery advertised as appropriate for their laptop model. Only Dell laptop batteries come with a 1-year warranty, are engineered for optimal safety and performance for Dell systems, and are supported by Dell technical support for the length of the warranty period.
10 . What is a modular bay battery?
In some laptop systems Dell offers a Dell studio 1535 battery that can be used in the optical drive media bay (DVD/CD drive bay). This enables the use of two batteries, potentially extending the available run time.
11 . If I install a modular bay battery, are my primary and modular bay batteries working at the same time to power my laptop computer? No, the modular bay battery is used first, then the system automatically switches to the primary battery. This is a deliberate design to allow the most amount of run time to remain in the primary Dell studio 1435 battery in case the modular bay battery is removed and replaced with an optical drive.
12 . What does Dell recommend for battery storage for a long period of time? When storing for more than 4 days these guidelines can better preserve the life of your battery:
laptopbatteries3  Guide dell laptop battery,About Dell Laptop Battery Frequently Asked Questions
cheap battery
* Do not store batteries for long periods plugged into or attached to any power source. This includes AC adapters and laptop security
carts plugged into an outlet.
* Laptop batteries, including those stored in laptop systems, should maintain an Operational Storage Temperature of 0° to 35°C (32° to 95°F).
* Batteries may be stored in the laptop Dell precision m6400 battery or outside of the laptop.
* Charge batteries
before storing. The recommended charging time should not exceed 1 hour. Typically, this should charge the battery to between 80% and 100%. (Some discharge will take place over time. Stored batteries are expected to discharge 10-15% over a four month period, for your information.)

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Source from:

Friday, December 17, 2010

Compaq & HP laptop battery reviews ,

200273029 006 Compaq & HP laptop battery reviews ,
HP Laptop Battery
Hp elitebook 8530w battery
Hp pavilion dv3500 battery
Hp pavilion dv4 battery
Hp pavilion dv5 battery
Hp pavilion dv6 battery
Hp pavilion dv2000 battery
Hp pavilion dv6000 battery
Hp pavilion dv7 battery
We haven’t heard any tales of exploding batteries in quite some time, and we’re sure that’s in large part thanks to proactive battery recalls like the one HP has been running since about this time last year.
However, it’s a little disconcerting that this recall keeps getting expanded. For the second time a new group of laptops are being added to the pile, entries from the Pavilion, Compaq Presario, and other lines manufactured between August of 2007 and May of 2008. We have the complete chart included below.

77932707 Compaq & HP laptop battery reviews ,
compaq laptop battery
Computer giant Hewlett-Packard has recalled its Lithium-Ion batteries used in Compaq notebook computers.
compaq laptop battery
compaq laptop batteries
Compaq pavilion dv4 battery
Compaq pavilion dv5 battery
Compaq pavilion dv6 battery
Compaq presario cq60 battery
Compaq presario cq70 battery
Compaq pavilion dv2000 battery
Compaq pavilion dv6000 battery
Name of Product: Lithium-Ion batteries used in Hewlett-Packard and Compaq notebook computers
Units: About 54,000 (70,000 units were previously recalled in May 2009)
Hazard: The recalled lithium-ion batteries can overheat, posing a fire and burn hazard to consumers.
Incidents/Injuries: Since the May 2009 recall, HP has received 38 additional reports of batteries that overheated and ruptured resulting in 11 instances of minor personal injury and 31 instances of minor property damage.
Description: The recalled lithium-ion rechargeable batteries are used with various model series of HP and Compaq notebook computers. The chart below includes all notebook model numbers associated with batteries recalled to date. The computer model number is located at the top of the service label on the bottom of the notebook computer. Not all batteries matching the bar codes are being recalled. You can see if your battery is affected here.
Remedy: Consumers should immediately remove the batteries referenced above from their notebook computer and contact HP to determine if their battery is included in this recall (even if the battery was previously checked). Consumers with recalled batteries will receive a free replacement battery. After removing the recalled battery from their notebook computer, consumers may use the AC adapter to power the computer until a replacement battery arrives. HP recommends that only batteries obtained from HP or an HP authorized reseller be used with HP notebook PCs.
Wholesaler & distributor of laptop batteries replacement for Compaq, HP, Dell, Acer, Sony, IBM, Toshiba. Our notebook batteries are made from high quality battery cells, which offer the quality and capacity as their (Original Equipment Manufacturer) counterparts. We guarantee our laptop batteries for full 1 year warranty and 30-day money back on every laptop battery.

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Source from: | Microsoft Tablet PC coming at CES again, as Ballmer still wants to beat the Apple iPad

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Wholesaler & distributor of laptop batteries replacement for Compaq, HP, Dell, Acer, Sony, IBM, Toshiba. Our notebook batteries are made from high quality battery cells, which offer the quality and capacity as their (Original Equipment Manufacturer) counterparts. We guarantee our laptop batteries for full 1 year warranty and 30-day money back on every laptop battery.

Microsoft is hoping to challenge the dominance of the iPad in the tablet PC market with the launch of its own slate-like devices next year, according to reports .
Microsoft are planning to unveil a variety of new tablets at the upcoming CES in Las Vegas, which will take place in early January.Having famously failed to make the kind of headway it was hoping for in the tablet sector in recent years, Microsoft is working alongside both Dell and Samsung hp pavilion dv6 battery in an effort to really gain some traction this time around.
An unnamed source is quoted as saying about the Samsung-built Windows 7 tablet that it will be “similar in size and shape to the Apple iPad, although it is not as thin. It also includes a unique and slick keyboard that slides out from below for easy typing.”
It is understood that Microsoft and its operating partners can gain ground on the iPad by offering a more work-oriented and Word-focussed device that also allows people to download and read newspapers or ebooks etc.
Tablet PC sales worldwide look set to be counted in the tens of millions next year and Microsoft, Samsung and Dell are far from the only industry heavyweights looking to take a bite out of Apple’s imposing lead in the fast-growing market.
Apple reportedly sold 4.19 million iPads during its most recently-assessed financial quarter, along with 3.89 million Macs and 14.1 million iPhones.

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How To Buy Cheap Laptop Battery Online For You Christmas Gifts ?
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Netbooks vs Tablets: Asus predict 2011 netbook sales increase, – quality power laptop battery supplier of Dell laptop batteries, Toshiba laptop batteries, HP laptop batteries, Acer laptop batteries, Sony laptop batteries, HP laptop ac adapters, Toshiba laptop ac adapters Distributor & Wholesaler.

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Marry Christmas!

Netbook manufacturers Asus have predicted increasing sales in 2011, despite stiff competition from the big Tablet companies.

A press release from Asus predicted that the company will be shifting 14 million units of Notebooks next year, as well as experiencing five percent rise in motherboard sales, in line with the growing PC market.

Asus also risks treading on the toes of the big boys by securing a chunk of the booming Tablet market for itself, setting its sights specifically on taking a hefty portion of Apple’s market share.

But, as Asus prepare to take a sizeable helping of Apple pie, they should remember that the coming year might not be all plain sailing.

Their press release optimistically predicted that the company will shift six-million Netbooks in 2011, matching their total for this year, experts aren’t so sure that this will be the case.

Market analysers, CCS Insight have hinted that products like Google’s Chrome OS may become a weight around their manufacturer’s necks as they are too focused on an ailing Netbook market that looks set to dip further in the 2011.

The Tablet predators are circling, although Asustek’s aspirations in the Tablet market imply that they themselves are fully aware of this.

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