Thursday, March 31, 2011

The heading question - Are solar power incentives a nasty regressive tax on the poor/misinformed?

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Lately, a lot of attention has been given to the solar industry due to the unfortunate set of events which have unfolded in Japan as a result of the earthquake. The prevailing theme among journalists, mis-informed Wall Street analysts’, and investors who have a positively biased view on the solar industry is that due to the problems with the nuclear plants in Japan following the earthquake, this form of renewable power should be abandoned in favor of power sources such as solar.

The fundamental problem with this thesis is that it is impossible to replace distributed (i.e., power this is accessible equally at all times of the day) baseload (i.e., energy produced at a constant rate) nuclear power with intermittent (i.e., energy that is only accessible during certain times of the day) peakload (i.e., power sources that provide the most output at select times of the day) solar power. Furthermore, given nuclear power costs roughly $0.015/kWh, while solar power costs closer to $0.25/kWh, if all of the world’s nuclear plants were to be replaced by solar plants, the cost to the rate-payer would go up by nearly 25x (we do not think this would bode well in countries facing high unemployment – U.S., France, Greece, Spain, Italy, Germany, etc.). Stated more simply, if you were to replace the world’s nuclear power with solar power, you would only have power during the day when the sun is shining the brightest (if a rain storm, or large cloud, happened to pass over, you would suddenly not have power – this could be a problem in less sunny regions). In addition, your cost of electricity would rise by roughly 25x. Under this backdrop, it seems many of the arguments suggesting solar energy can replace nuclear are delusional at their core.

Now, to the question posed in the heading of this entry: Are solar power Hp pavilion dv6700 battery Hp pavilion dv9700 battery incentives a nasty regressive tax on the poor/misinformed? Well, first, it may make sense to know what a regressive tax is. More specifically, in terms of individual income and wealth, a regressive tax imposes a greater burden on the poor than the rich – there is an inverse relationship between the tax rate and the taxpayer’s ability to pay as measured by assets, consumption, or income. Stated differently, a regressive tax tends to reduce the tax burden of people with a higher ability-to-pay (i.e., the rich), as it shifts the burden disproportionately to those with a lower ability-to-pay (i.e., the poor).

So, how do solar incentives work? Well, there are a number of schemes in which solar power is “incentivized”. However, the most popular form of solar incentive globally is in the form of a feed-in-tariff (FiT). Under a FiT incentive structure, renewable energy generators (homeowners, businesses, pension fund investors, private equity investors, etc.) are paid a premium by the utility buying the solar power generated by their roof-top system, on top of the cost of generating the solar power. As a point of reference, it is important to remember that while natural gas costs roughly $0.035/kWh, and coal costs approximately $0.05/kWh, with nuclear power at $0.015/kWh, solar currently costs about $0.25/kWh. Thus, if you are using solar under a FiT incentive structure, you are being paid by the utility $0.25/kWh for the solar power you are producing, plus an additional “premium” as high as $0.25/kWh, making the total cost to the utility subsidizing this incentive significantly higher than it would have otherwise paid using more traditional forms of electricity.
Thus, the cost to the utility appears to be significant, right?

Well, it’s not that simple. That is, what the utility does when it pays the person who is using the renewable energy under a FiT program is simply redistribute the difference in what it is paying the renewable energy user (i.e., $0.35-$0.55/kWh) and what it pays for more traditional forms of energy (i.e., $0.045/kWh) to all of its ratepayers; in essence, the utility is not paying the exorbitant cost of incentivizing solar, but rather the collective ratepayers in any region which implements solar incentives are. This begs the question… can’t everyone equally share in the benefit of this structure? Well, unfortunately, due to the high cost of solar, the answer to this question is no.

What do we mean? Well, when considering at present, the cost for a solar system is approximately $5.50/watt, and the average home installation is 5.5kW, the cost to anyone considering such an installation is $27,500 up front. Furthermore, given a solar system is a 20-year investment (meaning the returns on these systems are calculated over a 20-year period), the first 5-to-10 years of your investment in a home solar roof-top system, you will be cash flow negative. Admittedly, for those ratepayers in a FiT area who have a spare $27,500 to invest, which they don’t need access to in 5-to-10 years, an investment in solar makes a lot of sense (you are paid to use power Dell vostro 1510 battery  pavilion dv6000 battery ).

However, for the bulk of Americans who do not have a “spare” $27,500 to invest over a 20-year period, for which they will be cash flow negative for 5-to-10 years, solar is not an option. Despite this, however, because the utility redistributes the cost of solar to all ratepayers, whether you are using solar or not, you are paying if you live in a state that has significant solar incentives (i.e., California, New Jersey, Florida, North Carolina, etc.). As such, despite you not being able to afford putting solar on your roof, you are effectively being forced to subsidize your “rich” neighbor who does have the resources to put solar panels on their roof. Stated differently, a solar incentive is a form of a regressive tax on the “poor”. This begs the question… do many of the “poor” people in the States who have passed solar legislation understand this dynamic? Likely not.

When you add to this dynamic the fact that the majority of solar modules are produced in China, with U.S. solar module makers First Solar (FSLR) and SunPower (SPWRA) producing the majority of their panels in Malaysia, Germany, and Vietnam, the idea that solar installations in the U.S. create American jobs is another mistruth (this is an understatement). In fact, First Solar’s 290MW Agua Caliente Solar Project, which will receive nearly $1.5 billion in tax-payer funded money from the U.S. government, and is being supplemented, for the most part, by modules produced in Malaysia (thus, effectively, creating jobs in Malaysia using U.S. taxpayer dollars), being constructed in Yuma County, Arizona, will only create 15-to-20 full-time U.S. jobs (a cost to the U.S. taxpayer of nearly $85.7 million per full-time job; this does not appear like a good return on investment for the U.S. taxpayer).

Another form of incentive, more widely used in the U.S., comes in the form of a loan guarantee, or tax credit. While these differ from FiTs, they are effectively the same thing… money taken from the taxpayer used to subsidize high-cost solar powerDell studio 1555 battery Dell vostro 1520 battery.

In short, the way solar incentives work is by taking money from the poor to subsidize the rich homeowners, businesses, and investors who can afford the high upfront costs of installing solar power (a reverse Robin-Hood structure), which is among the most expensive forms of energy available today. While the solar industry has grown considerably, increasing its lobbying power globally, which in-turn has allowed for a massive expansion in marketing (with the key selling point being you must support solar to stop global warming), it remains among the most costly and inefficient forms of electricity available when observing: (1.) cost/kWh compared to other forms of electricity (i.e., wind, hydro, geothermal, nuclear, etc.), and (2.) usage (solar power is only available when the sun is shining, and declines in output with less intense sunrays and cloud coverage).

While it goes without saying that many of the same people who support solar in the U.S., and other countries, don’t fully understand this dynamic, as they see material spikes in their electricity bills, despite limited job creation associated with the massive solar plants being constructed in their backyards, this could become more of an issue.

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  • Wednesday, March 30, 2011

    Top 10 abandoned islands on the world! Power tools battery Services to you !

    If you have a lot of pictures of urban life, writing about luxury hotels and expensive cars, we made a list of remote islands in the world where there are no airports, hotels, ski resorts and expensive yachts. These islands are a proof that nature can survive in its original form, but unfortunately only if it is away from human hands.
    Top 10 abandoned islands on the world, are:
    1. Tristan da Cunha
    Tristan da Cunha is a remote volcanic group of islands in the south Atlantic Ocean, and also the name of the main island of that group. It is the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world, lying 2,816 kilometres from the nearest land, South Africa, and 3,360 kilometres from South America. It is part of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha which also includes St Helena 2,430 kilometres to its north, and equatorial Ascension Island even farther removed, grouping the British South Atlantic islands into one far-flung centrally administered aggregate. Tristan da Cunha is said to be the “most remote inhabited location on Earth. It has a population of 275.
    The territory consists of the main island of Tristan da Cunha itself, which measures about 7 miles across and has an area of 98 square kilometres, along with the uninhabited Nightingale Islands and the wildlife reserves of Inaccessible Island and Gough Island.
    Tristan Da Cunha Top 10 abandoned islands on the world!
    2. Kiribati
    Kiribatiis an island nation located in the central tropical Pacific Ocean. It is composed of 32 atolls and one raised coral island, dispersed over 3,500,000 square kilometres, straddling the equator, and bordering the International Date Line to the east. The name Kiribati is the local pronunciation of “Gilberts”, derived from the main island chain, the Gilbert Islands. Kiribati became independent from the United Kingdom in 1979. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the IMF and the World Bank, and became a full member of the United Nations in 1999.Kiribati, an island located on the eastern land border of the planet, away from civilization is 2665 km. Woe is available to people, Kiribati and the largest protected marine reserve with beautiful beaches. On the remote island there is potable water, food and accommodation for tourists. Kiribatija is easiest to reach by air from Honolulu.
    Karibati Top 10 abandoned islands on the world!
    Islands Piticairn four volcanic islands in the vast expanse of the Pacific, called the “paradise for the shipwrecked.” Food and other necessities to the island the ships that delivered each day prevaljuju time from 2172 km to get to this island. officially named the Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands, are a group of four volcanic islands in the southern Pacific Ocean. The islands are a British overseas territory, the last remaining in the Pacific. The four islands – named Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno – are spread over several hundred miles of ocean and have a total area of about 18 square miles. Only Pitcairn, the second largest and measuring about 2 miles across, is inhabited.
    The islands are best known as home of the descendants of the Bounty mutineers and the Tahitians who accompanied them, an event retold in numerous books and films. This story is still apparent in the surnames of many of the islanders. With only 50 inhabitants, Pitcairn is also notable for being the least populated jurisdiction in the world. The United Nations Committee on Decolonisation includes the Pitcairn Islands on the United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories. The Pitcairn Islands
    4. Easter Island
    Easter Island is a Polynesian island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, at the southeastern most point of the Polynesian triangle. A special territory of Chile annexed in 1888, Easter Island is widely famous for its 887 extant monumental statues, called moai (pronounced /?mo?.??/), created by the early Rapanui people. It is a World Heritage Site with much of the island protected within the Rapa Nui National Park. Historically the island has experienced a collapse of its ecosystem, with extinction of many of its prehistoric species; these events were associated with over-exploitation of the island’s resources. The underlying island geology is one of extinct volcanoes. Easter Island, 2076 km away from the mainland, known by a large stone statues of human heads. Despite the great distance of Chilea, there are regular flights to line Easter Island. On the island there are a number of hotels and various tourist activities such as horseback riding and hiking.
    Easter Island Top 10 abandoned islands on the world!
    5. Saint Helena
    Saint Helena is an island of volcanic origin in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is part of the British overseas territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha which also includes Ascension Island and the islands of Tristan da Cunha. Saint Helena measures about 16 by 8 kilometres and has a population of 4,255.
    The island has a history of over 500 years since it was first discovered as an uninhabited island by the Portuguese in 1502. Britain’s second oldest remaining colony, Saint Helena is one of the most isolated islands in the world and was for several centuries of vital strategic importance to ships sailing to Europe from Asia and South Africa. For several centuries, the British used the island as a place of exile, most notably for Napoleon Bonaparte, Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo and over 5,000 Boer prisoners.
    Saint Helena Top 10 abandoned islands on the world!
    Attu is the westernmost and largest island in the Near Islands group of the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, making it the westernmost point of land relative to Alaska and the United States. It was the site of the only World War II land battle on United States soil, and its battlefield area is a U.S. National Historic Landmark.
    Attu Station, the only inhabited area on the island, is actually located at 52°51′ north latitude, 173°11′ east longitude, making it by one definition one of the westernmost points of Alaska.
    Attu Top 10 abandoned islands on the world!
    The Galapagos Islands are an archipelago of volcanic islands distributed around the equator in the Pacific Ocean, 972 km west of continental Ecuador. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site: wildlife is its most notable feature.
    The Galapagos islands and its surrounding waters are part of a province, a national park, and a biological marine reserve. The principal language on the islands is Spanish. The islands have a population of around 40,000, which is a 40-fold expansion in 50 years.
    The islands are geologically young and famed for their vast number of endemic species, which were studied by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle. His observations and collections contributed to the inception of Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection.
    The first crude navigation chart of the islands was done by the buccaneer Ambrose Cowley in 1684. He named the individual islands after some of his fellow pirates or after the English noblemen who helped the privateer’s cause. More recently, the Ecuadorian government gave most of the islands Spanish names. While the Spanish names are official, many users continue to use the older English names, particularly as those were the names used when Charles Darwin visited.
    Galapagos Top 10 abandoned islands on the world!
    8.Cocos Islands
    Cocos Island is a small island located about one mile off of the southern tip of Guam. Cocos Island Guam is sometimes confused with the Australian territorial Cocos Keeling Island, but they are in fact many miles apart. Cocos Island Guam is a popular place for visitors to escape for a day to shop, fish, snorkel and hang out on the beach. Cocos Island Guam is one of the many great reasons to take a vacation to Guam and provides beautiful views for any trip.
    Cocos Island history reflects the history of the Chamorro people as well as Spanish traders. Although Cocos Island is today a major tourism attraction, it was once the site of a major ship wreck. In June of 1690 the Neustra Senora del Pilar de Zaragosa y Santiago hit the southern reef at Cocos Island.
    cocos island Top 10 abandoned islands on the world!
    9.Falkland Islands
    The Falkland Islands are an archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean, located approximately 300 mi from the coast of mainland Argentina, 700 mi from mainland Antarctica, and 3,800 mi from Africa. There are two main islands, East Falkland and West Falkland, as well as 776 smaller islands. The islands are a self-governing Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom and Stanley, on East Falkland, is the capital.
    Ever since the re-establishment of British rule in 1833 Argentina has claimed sovereignty. In pursuit of this claim, which is rejected by the islanders, Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands in 1982. This precipitated the two-month-long undeclared Falklands War between Argentina and the United Kingdom and resulted in the defeat and withdrawal of the Argentine forces.
    Since the war, there has been strong economic growth in both fisheries and tourism.
     Top 10 abandoned islands on the world!
    10.Xisha Island
    Xisha Island, 329 kilometers from the nearest mainland province of Hainan, located in the waters of the South China Sea. It is known that specific types of birds that live only on this island and rare tropical plants.
    Seabirds at Elephant Beach on Pebble Island in The Falkland isla

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  • Sunday, March 27, 2011

    with China now America’s banker, will America become China’s farmer?

    China’s agricultural problems, where a quickly growing and increasingly affluent population is putting pressure on food supplies, will eventually spill over to the U.S., says environmental and agriculture guru Lester Brown.  With the U.S. the world’s largest grain producer and China the largest holder of U.S. debt, Lester asks, “with China now America’s banker, will America become China’s farmer?”

    Thomas Malthus sparked one of the most heated debates in economics back in 1798 when he anonymously published his Essay on the Principle of Population in which he famously postulated that as population growth turned exponential and outstripped agricultural production, which grew at a linear rate, famine and poverty would lead to civil strife and war.  In a teleconference on Wednesday, Lester Brown, head of the Earth Policy institute, echoes Malthus’ fears noting that the British economist “was right in the sense that we are having trouble feeding the world population.”  Apocalyptically, he adds that he sees he sees “no prospect that we will be able to face rising demand.” (Read On The Verge Of A Global Food Crisis).

    China, Brown explains, will put incredible strains on global grain markets and will force the American consumer to forget about cheap food.  With news that China had quietly entered the U.S. grain market to buy corn in the last couple of weeks, a nightmare scenario is brewing up for both countries.  The U.S., with grain production at around 400 million tons a year, is the world’s breadbasket, according to Brown, exporting more than Canada, Argentina, and Australia together, the next three largest exporters.  China, with over $900 million in Treasuries, is the U.S.’ banker.

    “Like it or not, we will have to share our grain with China,” says Brown, “which means the U.S. consumer will have to compete with a population of 1.3 billion with fast-growing incomes that is quickly moving up the food chain, demanding grain intensive products.”  In the past the U.S. could resort to restricting exports, as Russia and Argentina did in the ’07 – ’08 food crisis, this is not an option now.  China’s massive holdings of U.S. debt and its continued financing of an exploding deficit makes it politically impossible to not cooperate.  “In a country that has been the world’s breadbasket for more than half a century, a country that has never known food shortages or runaway food prices, the world is about to change.”  That country is the U.S.

    Brown expects Chinese wheat imports from the U.S. will be close to 10 million tons, most of it corn.  Those could rise to 20 million tons by the end of the decade.  “[China] would’ve been in the market for more hadn’t it been for record grain and soy bean prices, but if they come in too big, they will rock the market,” explains the environmentalist. (Read Why World Food Prices Will Keep Climbing).

    Food Price Index - UN FAO
    Global food prices have been testing all-time highs since last December, according to data from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, with eight consecutive months of increases.  Stemming from bad policies and rampant population growth, the problem can’t be pinned down to any one nation.  But China, with the largest population, is definitely a game changer. (Read Global Food Prices Hit New All Time High After 8 Consecutive Months Of Gains).

    China’s agricultural policies have restructured the whole of the Western hemisphere’s agriculture.  In the ‘80s, Chinese leadership was composed of survivors of the Great Famine of ’58 to ’61, where 20 to 43 million are estimated to have died.  The psychological scars, notes Brown, led to an “all out effort in agriculture, including research to raise yields, investment incentives, and other things.”  In a desperate attempt to become self-sufficient in grain, one of their policies was the abandonment of the soy bean.  “In 1995 China produced and consumer 14 million tons of soy beans, by 2010 they continued to produce 14 million but consumed 70 million, making them heavily dependent on soy bean imports.”

    Soy bean is now the most common crop from Canada to Argentina, explains Brown.  The top three exporters, the U.S., Brazil, and Argentina, responsible for 80% of the world’s harvest and 90% of exports, essentially feed China, which imports 60% of global stock.  “The U.S. has more land dedicated to soy beans than grains, Brazil has more land for soy beans than for all its grain products combined, and Argentina has doubled the amount of land for soy beans than for all grain products combined.”

    While soy bean, intended to feed China, comes to dominate Western crop-land, at the expense of grains, China’s own grain production has begun to face problems of its own.  Along with the U.S., China is the world’s greatest grain producer, each with about 400 million tons a year, according to Brown. 

    Industrialization and modernization have had their toll, as agricultural production was moved to the wind-erosion prone North Western regions of the country, leading to falling yields.  Urbanization has drained young workers from rural areas, sending rural wages skyrocketing and forcing the abandonment of smaller plots with no scale.  Rampant growth in automobile demand, with China adding 14 million cars to its fleets in ’09, 18 million in ’10, and an expected 20 million in ’11, means paving millions of square miles.

    Arguably China’s biggest problem, though, are over pumped aquifers.  With four-fifths of its grain coming from irrigated fields (compared with one-fifth in the U.S.), the over pumping of China’s large North China plain fossil aquifer means it has been feeding approximately 130 million people more than it should with those supplies, it has inflated its capacity.  “This will lead to catastrophic consequences for future generations, as inflated grain capacity is by definition a short-term solution,” says Brown, noting that 18 countries, including all four of the world’s largest grain producers, are depleting their aquifers.

    Another major problem hitting the global food situation is the use of grain to make ethanol, according to Brown.  “Malthus never anticipated that,” he says.  “The price of grain is now tied to the price of oil, this is a situation we have never faced before,” notes Brown, “and as oil prices continue to rise, hitting $150 or maybe $200 a barrel according to some estimates, means that if producing ethanol is more profitable, people will turn to that.”  Therefore, the simple equation is that as oil prices go up, ethanol prices go up, and so do grain prices, putting further strains on the global economy.  Brown predicts ethanol production will face regulatory challenges in the near future in tandem with a substantial tightening of global food markets.

    Brown puts the finger on what will become one of the biggest challenges facing the world.  Spiking global food prices have been part of the catalyst behind recent unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, as real wages fall in the face of rising food-price inflation.  With approximately one sixth of the world in “chronic hunger” according to the U.N and global population expected to hit 7 billion by the end 2011, it would be wise to pay more attention to people like Brown.

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  • Thursday, March 24, 2011

    Lenovo ThinkPad X220 Tablet (X220T) Review - Battery Life

    The high-capacity nine-cell, 5,600mAh/63Wh battery that came with our review sample powered the X220T through no less than six hours and 41mins of MobileMark's Productivity test, with wireless turned off and screen brightness at 40 percent. This is an excellent result considering there are no compromises regarding CPU performance here, and with careful use this convertible tablet laptop should last you through the working day.

    If you do need more time away from a socket, Lenovo's optional batteryLenovo 3000 c200 8922 battery  Lenovo 3000 v200 battery slice adds a second 5,800mAh/65Wh battery, almost doubling the above figure to a whopping 13 hours! Mind you, this does increase the X220T's weight from 1.89kg (or 1.76kg with the standard six-cell battery, the nine-cell is a £102 option) to 2.6kg and increases thickness from 31.3mm to 40mm. However, for many the trade-off will be worth it. The slice is very easy to attach, and plugging the charger into it will charge both it and the laptop's own battery.

    When it comes to value, high-end ThinkPads have never been particularly affordable but arguably have been worth every penny. Unfortunately, the very reasonable $1,200 (£740) US starting price will see an almost direct translation to £1,147 excluding VAT (around £1,377 for the average consumer) on this side of the Atlantic - and that's configured with 2GB of RAM, a 250GB hard drive and the six-cell battery.

    However, this is not actually as poor value as it might at first appear. As already mentioned, there's not much competition in the convertible laptop tablet Lenovo 3000 v100 battery Lenovo 3000 n100 0689 battery market. The X220T's closest rival is probably HP's EliteBook 2740p, which starts at £1,107 ex. VAT. But then you're stuck with an older generation processor, smaller, slower hard drive, no digital video output, shorter battery life and, most importantly, the HP won't come close to the quality of the ThinkPad's IPS display no matter how good its TN-based screen is.

    Is Lenovo's ThinkPad X220T the perfect tablet laptop? Not really, but it's as close as it gets. Sure, it's not cheap, its industrial aesthetic won't appeal to everyone, it lacks USB 3.0 and eSATA, and we would have liked a few more vertical pixels on the screen. However, with the excellent quality of its class-leading IPS display, amazing battery life, superb build quality and ergonomics, high-end specifications and ThinkPad reputation, this is the best convertible tablet laptop currently on the market.

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    Tuesday, March 22, 2011

    Electrode make lithium batteries charge in only two minutes

    Batteries are an essential part of most modern gadgets, and their role is expected to expand as they're incorporated into vehicles and the electric grid itself. But batteries can't move charge as quickly as some competing devices like supercapacitors, and their performance tends to degrade significantly with time. That has sent lots of materials science types into the lab, trying to find ways to push back these limits, sometimes with notable success. Over the weekend, there was another report on a technology that enables fast battery charging. The good news is that it uses a completely different approach and technology than the previous effort, and can work with both lithium- and nickel-based batteries. – Wholesaler & distributor of laptop batteries replacement for Power Tools Battery, Compaq, HP, Dell, Acer, Sony, IBM, Toshiba. Our notebook batteries are made from high quality battery cells, which offer the quality and capacity as their (Original Equipment Manufacturer) counterparts. We guarantee our laptop batteries for full 1 year warranty and 30-day money back on every laptop battery.

    The previous work was lithium-specific, and focused on one limit to a battery's recharge rate: how quickly the lithium ions could move within the battery material. By providing greater access to the electrodes, the authors allowed more ions to quickly exchange charge, resulting in a battery with a prodigious charging rate. The researchers increased lithium's transport within the battery by changing the structure of the battery's primary material, LiFePO4.

    The new work also gets fast charges, but by a rather different route. The authors, from the University of Illinois, don't focus on the speed of the lithium ions in the battery Hp pavilion dv9200 battery ; instead, they attempt to reduce the distance the ions have to travel before reaching an electrode. As they point out, the time involved in lithium diffusion increases with the square of the distance travelled, so cutting that down can have a very dramatic effect. To reduce this distance, they focus on creating a carefully structured cathode.

    The process by which they do this is fairly simple, and lends itself to mass production. They started with a collection of spherical polystyrene pellets. By adjusting the size of these pellets (they used 1.8µm and 466nm pellets), they could adjust the spacing of the electrode features. Once the spheres were packed in place, a layer of opal (a form of silica) was formed on top of them, locking the pattern in place with a more robust material. After that, a layer of nickel was electrodeposited on the opal, which was then etched away. The porosity of the nickel layer was then increased using electropolishing.

    When the process was done, the porosity—a measure of the empty space in the structure—was about 94 percent, just below the theoretical limit of 96 percent. The authors were left with a nickel wire mesh that was mostly empty space.

    Into these voids went the battery  Hp pavilion dv2000 battery ,Hp pavilion dv6000 battery material, either nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) or a lithium-treated manganese dioxide. The arrangement provides three major advantages, according to the authors: an electrolyte pore network that enables rapid ion transport, a short diffusion distance for the ions to meet the electrodes, and an electrode with high electron conductivity. All of these make for a battery that acts a lot like a supercapacitor when it comes to charge/discharge rates.

    With the NiMH battery material, the electrodes could deliver 75 percent of the normal capacity of the battery in 2.7 seconds; it only took 20 seconds to recharge it to 90 percent of its capacity, and these values were stable for 100 charge/discharge cycles. The lithium material didn't work quite as well, but was still impressive. At high rates of discharge, it could handle 75 percent of its normal capacity, and still stored a third of its regular capacity when discharged at over a thousand times the normal rate.

    A full-scale lithium battery made with the electrode could be charged to 75 percent within a minute, and hit 90 percent within two minutes.

    There are a few nice features of this work. As the authors noted, the electrodes are created using techniques that can scale to mass production, and the electrodes Dell precision m6400 battery , Dell inspiron 1000 battery themselves could work with a variety of battery materials, such as the lithium and nickel used here. It may also be possible to merge them with the LiFePO4 used in the earlier work. A fully integrated system, with materials designed to work specifically with these electrodes, could increase their performance even further.

    Of course, that ultimately pushes us up against the issue of supplying sufficient current in the short time frames needed to charge the battery this fast. It might work great for a small battery, like a cell phone, but could create challenges if we're looking to create a fast-charge electric car.

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    Monday, March 21, 2011

    Google extended the feature include Check-Ins to Latitude iPhone App

    Almost two weeks after adding Latitude check-ins for Android devices, Google extended the feature to the iPhone on Monday.

    The option comes via an update to Latitude for the iPhone. "Now, you can also choose to check in at specific places, such as your favorite restaurant or a park, to add more context to your location," Greg Blevins, a Google software engineer, wrote in a blog post. "You'll be able to not only let friends know that you're just around the corner but also let them know the actual coffeeDell inspiron 6000 battery  Dell inspiron 6400 Battery shop that you're at in case they want to join."

    Those who opt to have Latitude continually update will also be "checked out" of locations when they leave, so "friends aren't left guessing" as to whether they're still there.

    To start, tap the "Check in here" button on a specific location. Similar to rival service Foursquare, which has its "mayor" system, Latitude will award visitors with Regular, VIP, or Guru. The service launched earlier this month at SXSW, so there are over 60 check-in options in the Austin, Texas area.

    The app is available for the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPad running iOS 4.0 or higher, as well as the third- and fourth-generation iPod touch. Background location updating is only available for the iPhone and iPad.

    An update for the Google Places app Dell d620 Laptop Battery Dell d820 battery , meanwhile, now has support for 30 languages, as well as the ability to save favorites. - Wholesaler & distributor of laptop batteries replacement for Compaq, HP, Dell Laptop batteries , Acer Laptop batteries , Sony, IBM, Toshiba. Our notebook batteries are made from high quality battery cells, which offer the quality and capacity as their (Original Equipment Manufacturer) counterparts. We guarantee our laptop batteries for full 1 year warranty and 30-day money back on every laptop battery.

    Google Latitude for the iPhone hit the App Store in December. Latitude first launched in early 2009 via smartphones and a desktop widget, but since iOS did not support multitasking at the time, Latitude was only an HTML5 app, not a native app. The iOS "Latitude app was built from the ground up using iOS 4's new multitasking capability to support background updating," Google said last year.

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    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    iPhone 5 May Get iWallet NFC Functions After All

    The capability to use an iPhone to pay for goods wirelessly could show up in the iPhone 5 after all. On Monday reports said that Apple changed its mind about incorporating Near Field Communication (NFC) technology in the iPhone due to lack of a universal standard, but now sources told Forbes   otherwise.

    The rumors of NFC technology in the iPhone 5 dell vostro 1500 battery Dell vostro 1520 battery originated in January from Bloomberg, which said that Apple is incorporating NFC technology in the iPad 2 as well as in the iPhone 5. The iPad 2 is now available, but NFC is not present.

    Earlier this week, the U.K.'s The Independent reported sources at "several of the largest mobile operators in the U.K." said Apple disclosed in meetings that NFC won't be on the feature list of the next iPhone, expected in June or July.

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    A lack of a clear standard across the industry is to blame for NFC's exclusion from the upcoming iPhone, the paper reported. Instead, Apple is rumored to be working on its own adaptation of NFC, allowing users to link payments through iTunes when waving the phone in front of a dedicated NFC reader. However, that won't happen until the next-generation iPhone, sometime in 2012.

    Demo of an iPhone NFC operation. Photo: VisaBut iPhone 5 NFC rumors are in full swing again, this time courtesy of Forbes. According to the magazine, an entrepreneur who is working on a "top-secret NFC product" said he believes the iPhone 5 Dell vostro 1720 battery dell latitude d620 battery will have NFC and cited a friend who works at Apple as a reliable source for the information.

    The entrepreneur also said that manufacturers of NFC readers expect the iPhone 5 to have NFC, so they are gearing up for the additional NFC traffic the iPhone 5 will bring. However, we won't know whether the iPhone 5 will have NFC until Apple actually introduces the new device.

    NFC made its debut last year when Google introduced the technology on its Nexus S Android phone. NFC uses a combination of hardware and software to let you essentially turn your phone into a wallet and simply wave the device in front of a retailer's sensor and have your purchase immediately placed onto your credit card or banking account. - Wholesaler & distributor of laptop batteries replacement for Compaq, HP, Dell, Acer, Sony, IBM, Toshiba. Our notebook batteries are made from high quality battery cells, which offer the quality and capacity as their (Original Equipment Manufacturer) counterparts. We guarantee our laptop batteries for full 1 year warranty and 30-day money back on every laptop battery.

    Friday, March 18, 2011

    nuclear power - Obama’s support for nuclear power faces a test

    As the deepening crisis in Japan presents the nuclear power industry with its gravest test in years, President Obama has emerged as a critical ally and defender.

    Repeatedly in recent days, Obama has peppered public remarks on Japan with assurances that U.S. reactors are sound and that nuclear energy remains a key component of his energy agenda.

    The president’s stance once again puts him in direct opposition to his political base, with many environmentalists and Acer as07b51 battery Dell d620 battery a plurality of Democratic voters in a new survey saying that nuclear power is not safe. But Obama has experience with the industry. His home state of Illinois has more nuclear power plants than any other state, and Chicago is the headquarters for Exelon, which operates the country’s largest fleet of nuclear plants. And as president, Obama has proposed a dramatic expansion in government-backed loans to build new plants.

    “I still think that nuclear power is an important part of our overall energy mix,” he told an interviewer earlier this week from WVEC-TV in Norfolk. He added that “we’ve got to do it in a safe and sensible way.”
    Asked about potential budget cuts to nuclear research by another local TV reporter from New Mexico, home to major atomic laboratories, the president responded, “We’ve got to budget for it.”

    The president’s stance underscores the important role nuclear power plays in his broader energy agenda.
    In the State of the Union speech this year, Obama presented a goal of generating 80 percent of the country’s electricity from clean energy sources by 2035. Citing support among different constituencies for wind, solar, nuclear, “clean coal” and natural gas, the president declared: “We will need them all.”

    Nuclear power Dell d630 battery Dell d820 battery already accounts for 20 percent of overall electricity in the United States, and makes up the vast majority of carbon-free energy.

    But because the cost of building a new reactor is so high — and Wall Street is reluctant to invest with natural gas emerging as a more viable alternative — utilities have turned to the government for assistance. Obama has signaled his desire to help, proposing in his 2012 budget plan an additional $36 billion in loan guarantees to build new plants.

    That would come on top of the $18.5 billion currently set aside as part of the loan guarantee program started under President George W. Bush’s Energy Policy Act of 2005.

    Some critics have charged that Obama’s support for nuclear power Dell wr050 battery Dell gk479 battery can be traced to his political rise in Illinois, home to Exelon, the nation’s biggest operator of nuclear plants.

    Those connections “run pretty deep,” said Kevin Kamp with the watchdog group Beyond Nuclear. “That begins to explain his policy.”

    Exelon has had ties to some of Obama’s closest advisers.
    David Axelrod, the president’s longtime political strategist and former White House advisor, has worked for Exelon as a consultant, though Axelrod said Friday he currently has no private clients.

    Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s former chief of staff and now Chicago’s mayor-elect, helped broker the deal that created Exelon when he worked at the investment bank Wasserstein Perella.

    Exelon’s political action committee and its employees have given more than $340,000 to Obama’s congressional and presidential campaigns over the years, including $4,300 from Exelon chief executive John Rowe, according to Federal Election Commission records.

    Since Obama became president, Exelon has sided with the Dell gw240 battery Dell gd761 battery White House in at least one major policy battle — quitting the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in protest of the trade group’s opposition to a cap-and-trade energy plan. Exelon declined comment.

    A White House spokesman, Clark Stevens, rejected the idea that Obama’s views on energy stemmed from anything other than sensible policy.

    “The administration’s energy priorities are based solely on how best to build a 21st century, clean energy economy,” Stevens said via e-mail. “That policy is not about picking one energy source over another, in fact it is about setting a bold but achievable clean energy goal, and providing industry the flexibility on how best to increase their clean energy share through the responsible development of a broad range of energy sources – including renewables like wind, solar, and homegrown biofuels, as well as natural gas, clean coal, and nuclear power.”

    Another major nuclear player is Duke Energy, whose chief executive, Jim Rogers, is leading fundraising efforts for the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. The firm, which slightly favored Democrats in its 2010 PAC donations,Dell studio 1555 battery  has agreed to guarantee a $10 million line of credit for the convention from a local bank.

    Duke Energy officials say the effort is purely an economic development initiative. ‘We would do it for the Republicans in 2016 if they would consider Charlotte,” said spokesman Tom Williams. “It’s not a partisan effort at all.”

    Overall, Obama has not relied very heavily on energy-related contributions in his political career, and his aides have pledged to continue refusing any corporate PAC donations in the 2012 campaign. Contributors in the energy and natural resources sector gave about $2.8 million to Obama in 2008, compared to $4.1 million for GOP candidate John McCain,  according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

    Obama’s stance has surprised some in the industry who weren’t sure what to expect when he entered office.
    “The nuclear industry was a little bit nervous. We didn’t know what his policies would be,” said Eileen Supko, a nuclear engineer and senior consultant with Energy Resources International. “Everybody was pleasantly surprised and very pleased” by Obama’s agenda.

    The president’s position appears to be in good stead with crucial independent voters, a majority of whom view nuclear as a safe energy source, Dell xps m1330 battery Dell xps m1530 battery according to a new Fox News poll. The survey found that a plurality of Democratic voters disagree.

    Even before this week’s events in Japan, the White House had jousted with nuclear critics on Capitol Hill.
    Last year, the White House rejected a request by Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) to enforce a law passed in 2002 requiring that potassium iodide pills be made available to all U.S. citizens living within 20 miles of nuclear plants for use in case of exposure to radioactive iodine.

    Markey said in an interview that he has asked the White House to reconsider that decision, which he said appeared to satisfy industry concerns that distributing the medicine “instills a fear of nuclear power” in people’s minds.

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    Thursday, March 17, 2011

    Android-powered smartphones - extra hours of precious battery life.

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    I have two Android-powered smartphones in my house: the Virgin Mobile Optimus V and Virgin Mobile Samsung Intercept. If you asked me to describe their battery life, I'd say mediocre and terrible, respectively. In fact, the Intercept barely lasts a day, even with little use. My wife, the one who's using it, is about ready to chuck it in the pond.

    I think I've found a way to save it from that watery grave. JuiceDefender is a free app that promises "extra hours of precious battery life." And you know what? It delivers on that promise.

    The app works some simple but clever magic: Whenever your phone goes into idle mode (i.e., its screen is off), JuiceDefender disables Compaq nc6000 battery Dell inspiron b120 battery-draining items like 3G and Wi-Fi. Turn the screen on again and the radios spring back into action.

    The app also throttles back the CPU and "manages" your apps, though it's unclear in the free version what's being done to which apps. You'll almost certainly want to invest five bucks in the UltimateJuice companion app, which opens the door to a wealth of power-management options and settings.

    But even without it, JuiceDefender works wonders--at least on these two phones. At the end of the day, the Android 2.1-powered Intercept was not only alive and kicking, but showing a good 50 percent left on the battery.

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    Lithium Ion (Li-Ion) Battery doesn't suffer from the memory effect at all.

    As for the Optimus V, which runs Android 2.2, I unplugged it from its charger exactly 24 hours ago. During that time I used it on and off--mostly to fiddle with the app and check the battery. Current status: 81 percent. Without JuiceDefender, it would usually be down to around 60 percent by now.

    (Interestingly, the app reported an incompatibility with the phone's ROM, stating it couldn't control the 3G radio. Even so, it delivered impressive results.)

    Your mileage will almost certainly vary. And it's worth noting that if you use apps that involve streaming--like, say, Pandora--JuiceDefender may interfere Dell xps m1330 battery sony vgp-bps2a battery (one more reason to grab UltimateJuice, which would let you tweak the settings to keep Wi-Fi active for specific apps). Same goes for tethering.

    Still, if you're unhappy with your phone's battery life, I highly recommend giving JuiceDefender a try. It's free, so you've got nothing to lose.

    In the meantime, if you've tried the app yourself, or you have a different recommendation for improving battery life (I've tried app killers, and they don't seem to do much), share your thoughts in the comments.

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    Wednesday, March 16, 2011

    4th Fukushima nuclear power plant explosion exceeded 20 times the radiation Tokyo

    Since 12 years, Fukushima series of the first nuclear power plant Unit 4 explosion, nuclear leak worse. Tokyo area 15 the amount of radiation detected radioactive material exceeds the normal standards, the latest monitoring data shows the amount of radiation 20 times more than usual. Government officials say the amount of radiation will not cause harm to human health.

    BEIJING, March 15, according to Xinhua, Kyodo News reported, Tokyo, Japan 13:00 pm local time on 15 published reports of nuclear radiation monitoring, Fukushima nuclear power plant leak first floating nuclear material has been to Tokyo, the Tokyo area of ​​radiation more than the usual amount of 20 times, and continued on an upward trend. In addition, Saitama and Tokyo, adjacent to the county government also reported that the radiation in Saitama, Dell latitude d620 battery Dell latitude d830 battery volume increased 20 times than usual.

    Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara made a statement that the current nuclear radiation which no health hazard.

    BEIJING, March 15 Xinhua comprehensive media reports, local 15, Japan's capital Tokyo area, the amount of radiation detected radioactive material beyond the normal standards.

    It is reported that the amount of radiation detected in Tokyo, higher than normal, but a government official said the city, so the amount of radiation will not cause harm to human health.

    Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan at 11:00 on the 15th local time, the Prime Minister's official residence in the country name the book published report that the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima nuclear leaks tend to severe, requiring nuclear power stations 20-30 km range of the residents have to do to prevent nuclear Radiation preparation.

    Earlier sources said the radioactive cloud containing excessive will arrive in Tokyo, the city government urged the public to stay indoors, shut windows and doors Gateway 8msbg battery Dell xps m1330 battery .

    Another source said that the Japanese Ground Self-Defense in a special radiation suit wearing anti-chemical warfare troops have marched Fukushima first nuclear power plant emergency, replacing the original sent to the center of the special weapons and nuclear power plant protection unit.

    In addition, the U.S. military said the accident occurred as the Tokyo Electric Power Co. Fukushima nuclear power plant to provide first aid, the U.S. Yokota Air Base and Yokosuka base 15, the morning sent out two to a local pump.

    There are views that, due to the loss of cooling the reactor of Unit 2 of the first nuclear power plant fuel rods out of the water, two water injection pump will assist in operations. Pump have been on the same day at 5 pm and 8:30 or so from the base camp.

    Fukushima nuclear power plant by the first effects of the accident, the U.S. government has deployed familiar with the boiling water reactor nuclear power plant by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) expert to visit Japan.

    News Review: 12 First Nuclear Power Plant Sony vgp-bpl2c battery sony vgp-bps2a battery Unit 1 of Fukushima hydrogen explosion occurred

    Local 12, about 15:30 pm, Fukushima Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 of the first explosion was heard inside, and smoke coming from the accident led to four people were injured, initially identified as the cooling hydrogen explosion.

    14 Fukushima Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 in the first hydrogen explosion occurred

    METI nuclear safety and security of homes 14 announced, Fukushima Nuclear Power Station Unit 3 in the first 11:01 local time, hydrogen explosion occurred, the reactor where the building was damaged, but place the reactor vessel was not damaged. Security around the hospital urged residents to stay indoors as much as possible.

    15, the first nuclear power Compaq nc6000 battery Hp 530 battery plant in Fukushima No. 2 nuclear reactor safety pool cover explosion pressure control

    The Government of Japan, local time at 6:10 on the 15th or so, Fukushima Nuclear Power Station Unit 2 pool safety cover explosion pressure control, that some damaged reactor vessel, suggesting that may lead to more serious nuclear leakage. The current staff had begun to leave, the local wind direction north.

    Fukushima nuclear power plant 15, the first hydrogen explosion occurred Unit IV

    According to Kyodo News, the first nuclear power plant in Fukushima fourth unit at 12:00 on the 15th local time (Beijing time at 11:00 on the 15th) about the explosion. Allegedly, this is a with a, II and III units similar to the hydrogen explosion.

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    Tuesday, March 15, 2011

    IPad 2 Battery Life Tests , Still Tears Xoom A New One

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    After a recent teardown of the iPad 2 and benchmarks performed by iOS experts, reports suggest that the iPad 2 is not the 1GHz dual-core powerhouse that it claims to be.

    iPad 2 clocked down to 900MHz to improve battery life

    Engadget reports that AnandTech advises the dual-core A5 chip in the iPad 2 has been throttled and clocks to approximately 900MHz, not 1GHz. This is reportedly done to reduce power use and ultimately increase battery dell latitude d620 battery  Dell latitude e6400 battery life.

    iPad 2 Battery life

    I tested a pair of new iPad 2s--a white 32GB model with AT&T 3G; and a black 16GB model with Verizon 3G. For comparison, I also tested with an original 16GB iPad 3G. (While our test models have different capacities, it's worth noting that the iPad uses flash storage--thus, the amount of storage capacity doesn't affect our battery life tests.) Like its predecessor, the iPad 2 boasts battery life of up to 10 hours. Or to be specific, Apple's iPad specs page says that's 10 hours of surfing the Web on Wi-Fi, watching video, or listening to music. The 3G-equipped models promise nine hours of Web surfing over a data network.
    To test the battery life of each device, I played a movie I bought on the iTunes Store, repeating it until the battery finally gave out. I cranked the screen brightness all the way up, connected to a local Wi-Fi network, and set the volume low.

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    The good news: even with its increased processor power, faster graphics, and smaller capacity, the iPad 2 actually outlasted the original iPad by a little less than three percent. (Note that the iPad 3G used by our Lab is nearly a year old, so it's possible that its battery life has degraded over the past 11 months.)
    I also found that recharging the iPad 2 took much less time than the original iPad--although I didn't precisely gauge how long it took to recharge. The excruciatingly long time it takes to recharge the original iPad had been one of my biggest complaints with Apple's tablet, so I'm happy to see that the new models charge faster.

    iPad 2 trumps Motorola Xoom in graphical prowess

    However the good news is that the iPad 2 inspiron mini 9  studio xps 1340 battery and its dual-core PowerVR SGX543MP2 GPU "mops the floor with both the original iPad and the Motorola Xoom." Engadgets states that although the "new chip didn't quite demonstrate 9X the graphical prowess of its predecessor, it rendered 57.6 frames per second in a GLBenchmark test where the (admittedly higher-res) Tegra 2 tablet managed only 26.7fps, and last year's iPad pulled only 17.6fps. That's some serious Tai Chi."
    The iPad 2 teardown also revealed that the iPad 2 packs 512MB RAM, compared to its predecessor coming with just 256MB RAM.

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    Monday, March 14, 2011

    Power-Sipping Materials (PCM) Technology That Could Lengthen Battery Life

    battery power news post by

    Researchers at the University of Illinois claim to have made a breakthrough in phase-change materials (PCM) technology that could lengthen battery life by up to two orders of magnitude, or 100 times.
    The team, led by Professor Eric Pop, used carbon nanotube electrodes, it stated in a paper published in Science Magazine.

    It found that the programming voltage and energy are highly scalable.

    "As academic researchers, we will continue to focus Acer aspire 5520 battery Dell vostro 1520 battery on reducing the power dissipation till we reach nearly fundamental limits," Pop told TechNewsWorld.

    "We think another factor of 10 lower power is possible," he added.

    Details of the Experiment

    PCM stores bits in the resistance of the material used.

    Pop's team created a bit by placing a small amount of PCM in a nanoscale gap formed in the middle of a carbon nanotube, according to an article on the University of Illinois' website.

    The team switched the bit on and off by passing small currents through the nanotube.

    Single-wall and small-diameter multi-wall carbon nanotubes were used in the research instead of the metal wires that are the industry standard.

    Carbon nanotubes are the smallest Dell inspiron b120 battery dell inspiron b130 battery known conductors of electricity, according to Pop. They are also very stable, as they don't degrade like metal wires do. Further, the PCM material that serves as the bit can't be accidentally erased by electro-magnetic forces from a nearby scanner or magnet, unlike regular magnetic storage.

    The minuscule size of the nanotubes -- 10,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair -- reduced the amount of electricity required.

    Pop's team included David Estrada, Albert Liao and Feng Xiong.

    The research was supported by the Focus Center Research Program and by the United States Office of Naval Research.

    What Is PCM, Anyhow?

    "PCM is one of those interesting technologies -- you basically apply a voltage and chemical changes result," Jim McGregor, chief technology analyst at In-Stat, told TechNewsWorld."
    IBM's (NYSE: IBM) been working on phase-change memory since at least 2006. Its Zurich labs offer this somewhat circular definition of the technology: PCM is a non-volatile solid-state memory technology that uses phase change Dell studio 1555 battery Hp pavilion dv3500 battery materials.

    That brings us to the question of what a phase change material is. The term refers to substances with a high heat of fusion that can store and release large amounts of energy when they change from the solid to the liquid state or vice versa.

    Sounds very much like what ice does, no? There are several types of PCMs -- organic, inorganic, eutectic, and hygroscopic.

    Paraffin is an organic PCM; salt hydrates are inorganic PCMs. Eutectics can be organic or a combination of organic and inorganic materials. They consist of a mixture of chemical compounds or elements that have one single chemical composition. One example is eutectic alloys for soldering, consisting of tin and lead. Hygroscopic materials absorb and release water, liberating energy in the process. Wool insulation is one hygroscope material used in buildings.

    PCM offers good data retention and scalability performance, and can scale to ultra-small dimensions.

    Uses for PCM

    PCM can be employed in batteries. It can also be used as a Toshiba pa3534u-1brs battery Acer aspire 5920 battery replacement for hard drives, flash (solid-state drives) and maybe even RAM chips, Pop said.

    "People have been looking at PCM for some time, because they're hoping it will deal with the limitations of flash memory, In-Stat's McGregor said.

    PCM may go head to head with another technology -- Racetrack memory -- that IBM's been working on.
    Racetrack memory has data racing around a wire "track," using the spin of the electron to store data. There are no parts to wear out, and racetrack memory can be rewritten repeatedly without any wear and tear, unlike conventional memory.

    "It's likely that racetrack memory will compete to some extent with PCM," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "The two appear to have similar uses."

    Getting to the Money Several obstacles remain before PCM technology actually hits the market.
    "It could be about 10 years, but some challenges about mass-production of carbon nanotubes for circuits must be worked out first," Pop said.

    There are also production issues that may require 10 to 15 years of work before PCM technology can actually hit the market, Enderle said.

    However, the military might get to use it earlier, as "the military has a huge need for this kind of thing and the money to spend to expedite it," Enderle opined.

    Other considerations, the main one of which is cost, also come into play.

    "Just like any other memory technology in our Acer aspire 5610 battery  industry -- it takes billions and billions of dollars to make it competitive and bring to market, and that barrier is becoming higher and higher," In-Stat's McGregor remarked.

    "So the question now is when does flash run out of steam, because the industry won't pull the money together until it's absolutely necessary," McGregor added.

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    Sunday, March 13, 2011

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    Laptop battery charger usage instructions:
    1. Place the battery in the right direction and make sure that the battery is tightly fit into the battery charger and the metal points.
    2. Connect the adaptor with the Laptop battery charger and power supply.
    3. The indicator shows red? when the battery is charging and it will show green? when the battery is fully charged.
    4. Unplug the adaptor carefully before taking out the battery.
    5. Repeat the same procedure when using the car adaptor.

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    Friday, March 11, 2011

    Motorola Two Ways Radio batteries - Motorola GP140 Battery's care tips

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    We ship to USA, UK and Europe destinations. we supply rechargeable replacement batteries of Li-ion, Ni-Cd and Ni-MH with high quality for Two Ways Radio Batteries. All our products are 100% guaranteed and brand new with one year warranty and quick shipping. we warrant that the products sold in our websites, other than explicitly stated, are 100% brand new and free from defects in material and workmanship under normal conditions of use. Shopping with us is safe and secure, we do not sell, rent or share information of our customers with other parties. If you are not satisfied with our products for any reason, please don't hesitate to contact us, we will reply you within 24 hours. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction.

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    Customer rating :           

    Volt :7.2V
    Capacity :2200mAh
    Type :123.80x59.20x16.00
    Condition : Brand New
    Availability : In Stock
    List Price : $ 54.81
    Special Price : $ 42.16

    Full 1 year warranty, 30-day money back!
    Secure Shopping Guarantee. Buy now save 30%.
    High quality battery cells are used in our Motorola GP140 battery.

    Wholesaler & distributor of laptop batteries replacement for Compaq, HP, Dell, Acer, Sony, IBM, Toshiba. Our notebook batteries are made from high quality battery cells, which offer the quality and capacity as their (Original Equipment Manufacturer) counterparts. We guarantee our laptop batteries for full 1 year warranty and 30-day money back on every laptop battery.

    Motorola GP140 Battery
    Customer rating :           

    Volt :7.2V
    Capacity :1800mAh
    Type :123.80x59.20x16.00
    Condition : Brand New
    Availability : In Stock
    List Price : $ 43.11
    Special Price : $ 33.16

    Full 1 year warranty, 30-day money back!
    Secure Shopping Guarantee. Buy now save 30%.
    High quality battery cells are used in our Motorola GP140 battery.

    Descriptions of Motorola HNN9008A HNN9008AR GP320 GP1280 GP140 Battery1. 100% brand new high quality Motorola Two Ways Radio batteries, compatible replacement batteries.
    2. This battery can be used for the other Motorola models and battery part No.!
    3. Great After-sales Service Department for battery, fast respond to your request!
    4. Delivery Fast if you order the Motorola Two Ways Radio battery.
    5. Need any assistance on Motorola Battery, please feel free to contact us via!

    Motorola GP140 battery can replace the following part numbers:

  • HNN9008A

  • HNN9008AR

  • HNN9011BR

  • HNN9011_R

  • HNN9012BR

  • HNN9012_R

  • WPNN4045AR

  • WPNN4045_R

  • Motorola GP140 battery can replace the following models:

  • GP240

  • GP280

  • GP320

  • GP340

  • GP360

  • GP380

  • GP540

  • How to Charging the Li-ion Two Ways Radio Batteries?Claims of fast charging a Li-ion Motorola HNN9008A HNN9008AR GP320 GP1280 GP140 Battery in one hour or less usually results in lower charge levels. Such a charger simply eliminates stage two and goes directly into 'ready' once the voltage threshold is reached at the end of stage one. The charge level at this point is about 70%. The topping charge typically takes twice as long as the initial charge.

    No trickle charge is applied because the Li-ion Two Ways Radio Battery for Two Ways Radio is unable to absorb overcharge. Trickle charge could cause plating of metallic lithium, a condition that makes the cell unstable. Instead, a brief topping charge is applied to compensate for the small amount of self-discharge the Motorola HNN9008A HNN9008AR GP320 GP1280 GP140 Two Ways Radio Battery Pack and its protective circuit consume.

    Secure Shopping Guarantee
    Shopping with us is safe and secure.You can be assured that the information you give us is confidential. We do not sell, rent or share information of our customers with other parties.

    Perfect Customer Service - has become the destination of choice of thousands of customers. Great customer service during and after the sale. You get a full 30 days satisfaction guarantee.
    Low Prices - You do not need to shop around for the lowest prices on Two Ways Radio parts and batteries anymore! Visit all the popular online stores out there and then come to your new favorite destination.

    Tagcloud: Two-Ways Radio Battery  , Barcode Scanner Battery   ,Power Tools Battery , Motorola HNN9013 Battery ,  Motorola HNN8148A Battery , Kenwood TK2207 Battery , Motorola GP3688 Battery , Symbol 21-61261-01 battery , Symbol RD5000 Mobile RFID Reader battery