Monday, October 31, 2011

Tips to Keep Apple's iPhone 4S Battery from Draining Fast

Apple iPhone 4S users worried about the device’s battery draining rapidly can take steps to prevent the problem.

Here’s a rundown of what may be causing the problem and how you can fix it.

It appears that the location services system in iOS 5 is one issue that has something to do with it.
A growing number of people have found that the "Setting Time Zone" element within Location Services in iOS seems to be operating when it doesn’t need to be, resulting in excessive battery drain.

To stop that from happening, go to Settings > Location Services > System Services. From there, it’s just a matter of turning off “Setting Time Zone.”

Switching it off may mean that your iPhone will no longer set its own time zone when you travel, but that’s a small price to pay for dramatically increasing the life of your iPhone charge, notes iDownload, which tested this method on several iPhones, including the 4s, iPhone 4, and an iPhone 3GS, all of which demonstrated drastically improved battery life after making the change.

So far Apple hasn’t commented on the issue but The Guardian reported on Friday that its engineers have begun contacting some people who have been reporting exceptionally rapid battery depletion.
The time zone setting might not be the only problem.

Macworld found that contact syncing within iCloud also increased battery drain. In that case, wiping the phone and then syncing via iCloud solved the problem.

A PCWorld reader had a similar problem with a new iPhone 4S and took it to an Apple store. An employee ran a diagnostics check on the device. He stated that the process that allows the cellular connection was in a constant crash reboot state and it was eating the battery. The employee wiped the phone and asked the user to not restore from backup but to just do a sync to the device. After performing these steps, the phone has performed well.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Apple's iPad Battery: A Powerful and Lightweight Lithium Battery

Apple's tablet computer, the iPad, has a number of performance features that have made it a bestselling product -- one of them being the capacity of its battery. Complex applications on the iPad drain a lot of power, so Apple designed the product with a powerful and lightweight lithium battery.

Advertised Battery Life

Apple claims that both versions 1 and 2 of the iPad can run for ten hours on their batteries with normal use. Normal use can include such activities as watching videos, surfing the Internet on a Wi-Fi network and playing music. If you use your iPad in connection with a 3G data network, it can run for about nine hours. Battery life will vary depending on what settings you use; running the screen at its highest brightness or volume at its loudest will drain the battery more quickly.

About Lithium-Polymer Batteries

The iPad uses internal rechargeable lithium-polymer batteries, the same type that Apple puts in its portable computers. Lithium is a light metal and holds a high power density, making lithium-based batteries lighter and more powerful than standard nickel-based batteries. You do not need to fully charge a lithium battery to keep it at peak performance.

Charging the Battery

The fastest way to charge an iPad is to connect it to its 10W USB Power Adapter and not use it while it is charging. You can also connect it to a high-power USB port on a computer, but it will not charge as quickly. If you connect it to a standard USB port, it will only charge while in sleep mode. Should you connect it to a computer, make sure the computer is on and not in sleep mode. Any time you plug it in, verify that the iPad is charging by the indicator in the upper right-hand corner of its screen. Some USB ports on older devices may not be able to charge the iPad. In this case the indicator will read "Not Charging" or the iPad will display a message that says, "Charging is not supported with this accessory."

How to Have a Longer Battery Life

There are several settings you can adjust and actions you can take to maximize the battery life. Adjust the screen to a low brightness setting and turn the volume down. Turn off any applications that might automatically drain the battery, such as location services that periodically update your location. Push notifications, email and other automatic updates also drain the battery. Turn of the 3G setting if you have access to Wi-Fi or if you are in a low-coverage area, as the iPad will automatically search for a connection. Finally, always ensure that you are using the latest software from Apple for optimal power performance.

Battery Lifespan

All rechargeable batteries have a limited lifespan and will eventually wear down to the point where you cannot recharge them anymore. The iPad has a one-year warranty for the performance of its original battery, but you can extend the warranty to two years with the AppleCare Protection Plan. If you have your iPad for longer than your warranty lasts and the battery wears down, you can order a replacement battery from Apple.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Review HP PC business: H-P Will Hold On to PCs

Meg Whitman wants Hewlett-Packard Co. to sell personal computers after all, a dramatic about-face by the H-P chief executive only five weeks into the latest chapter of her sweeping career.

Ms. Whitman said Thursday that H-P will keep its $40.7 billion PC division, backing away from its prior plan—endorsed 69 days ago by Ms. Whitman and other H-P directors—to explore splitting the company. H-P said a new evaluation had found the move was simply too costly.

"H-P objectively evaluated the strategic, financial and operational impact of spinning off" the PC business, said Ms. Whitman, who assumed the CEO post after she and other directors dumped her predecessor, Leo Apotheker, last month. Keeping the business "is right for customers and partners, right for shareholders and right for employees," she said.

The turnabout marks something of a fresh start for HP and hp Pavilion dv7 Battery Ms. Whitman herself, who made a failed bid to become California governor, after a lucrative and at times controversial 10-year tenure as CEO of online retailer eBay Inc.

Her first step may be to get past the uncomfortable back story. When she was named CEO in September, Ms. Whitman said that she supported the proposed spinout and other recent decisions at H-P, which included the $10.3 billion acquisition of Autonomy Corp., although she said then that she wanted to conduct her own analysis. Both decisions triggered a 20% decline in H-P's stock price and howls of protest from some corporate customers. The stock is still down 36% for the year, compared with a 3% gain for the Nasdaq Composite stock index. H-P shares rose 4.8% to $26.99 in 4 p.m. trading on the New York Stock Exchange, and were little changed in after-hours trading following the company's announcement.

In announcing the decision Thursday, H-P executives went to lengths to stress the deeper analysis that led to the reversal, and Ms. Whitman's personal involvement this time around.

"The decision was actually very straightforward," Ms. Whitman said on a conference call.

Separating the PC business would have required one-time expenses of about $1.5 billion, said Cathie Lesjak, H-P's finance chief.
In contrast, the review done for
 the earlier decision pegged the total cost at around $300 to $400 million, according to people briefed on the matter. Ms. Lesjak declined to comment on the number.
The latest study found that other changes, such as reduced purchasing power and the elimination of joint branding opportunities would have cost H-P about $1 billion a year. "It slowly but surely became very clear that the math just wasn't going to work on this one," Ms. Lesjak said.

An internal review before the Aug. 18 announcement was performed by a small group, led by Shane Robison, H-P's chief strategy officer. Even Todd Bradley, the head of H-P's PC group, didn't learn about the decision until shortly before it was announced, he said previously.

"We confused the market pretty dramatically on Aug. 18," Ms. Whitman said Thursday, noting that "it's hard to know what the hangover effect of Aug. 18 is."

Ms. Whitman's analysis took a more comprehensive approach, said Ms. Lesjak, evaluating 18 different factors and consulting about 100 people.

The new analysis showed the "initial range was too low," Ms. Lesjak said. It also found that some of the mitigation strategies initially considered, such as joint purchasing agreements and letting the PC company keep the H-P brand weren't viable, she said.

A joint-purchasing agreement, which would have allowed H-P and the PC company to buy components together, presumably at a big discount, would have expired eventually. And it soon became clear that the PC company wouldn't be able to use the H-P name, as it eventually would have developed products that competed with those made by H-P, Ms. Lesjak said.

"Boards try to make the best decisions they can with the information they have," Ms. Whitman said, noting that it was not feasible for H-P to have conducted a detailed analysis without it becoming public. "Nothing gets done in secret here," she said.

Ms. Whitman showed she is pressing for still deeper change. She said she is now reexamining options for a mobile operating system, known as webOS, acquired as part of H-P's $1.2 billion acquisition of Palm Inc.
Some shareholders have lobbied the company to keep the PC division, according to people familiar with their efforts. Intel Corp. CEO Paul Otellini and rivals like Dell Inc. chief Michael Dell said they thought H-P should keep the business.

Roger Kay, an analyst with the market-research firm Endpoint Technologies Associates, praised Ms. Whitman's decision--and her timing. He said H-P rival's were playing up the uncertainty as they courted customers. The longer she waited, the more her rivals would make hay," he said.

"This is the right decision," said Frank Gillett, an analyst at Forrester Research. The market for personal devices such as PCs, tablets and smartphones is exploding right now. "To me it's not clear why they thought this was the wrong decision two months ago."

As for Mr. Robison, who ran the strategic review for Mr. Apotheker, he announced his retirement from H-P last week. He spent much of the period of Ms. Whitman's review on safari in Africa.

Friday, October 14, 2011

How to Add a Photo Screensaver to Windows with Google Picasa?

If you're not using Google Picasa to manage your photos, I think you're missing out. It's one of the fastest and most versatile photo managers/image editors currently available, and you can't beat the price. (It's free.)

If you are already using it, you might be missing out on one of its best--and most often overlooked--features. I'm talking about the Picasa screensaver, which was formerly a standalone product (Google Photos Screensaver) bundled with the now-discontinued Google Pack.

The screensaver cycles through the photos of your choice (more on that in a minute) using any of nine impressive visual effects: pan and zoom, cross-fade, checkerboard, and so on. Here's how to set it up:
1. Start Picasa.

2. Click Tools, Configure Screensaver.

3. Windows' standard screensaver tool should appear, with Google Photos Screensaver already selected. Click Settings.

More other business:

4. Now it's time to choose one or more sources for your screensaver: Picasa, your Picasa Web Albums, one or more folders on your PC (which, admittedly, are probably already represented within Picasa, so this may not be necessary), and/or public sites. This last can be any RSS photo feed, like from Flickr and other sites. Just enable the sources, you want, then click Configure if you want to fine-tune the settings (which you'll need to do for PC folders and public sites).

5. Next, choose a visual effect from the pull-down menu. You can also use the slider to adjust the time between photos. When you're done, click OK.

6. Back at the main Screen Saver Settings menu, click Preview if you want to see the setup in action. You may also want to adjust the time before the screensaver kicks in. (10 minutes is the default, but I prefer something a little longer.) Click OK when you're done.

I think you'll love the Picasa screensaver, which effectively turns your PC into a killer photo frame (when it's idle, of course). And here's a bonus: If you have multiple monitors connected to your PC, the screensaver will take full advantage of them, showing a different photo on each one. Sweet! More info ,welcome refer to:

Friday, October 7, 2011

Spy Camera Gift Basket Idea

Spy Cameras Coupons

Spy cameras are very much useful today. The more you have in your disposal the more you need to protect it. Even if your belongings are not very much expensive you will not be glad if you lose some of them. Thus, you need a spy camera or even several of them. There are spy cameras designed for serious purposes and there are spy cameras counted on kids’ games. It is clear that complicacy of the cameras is different and you will purchase the one that you need for you own purposes.

On the other hand, it does not matter if it is a spy camera for an adult or for kids if you need them you need them in good quality. Sure your expenses are going to be lower if you make a mistake when buying the wrong spy camera or kids than the one for adult purposes. Anyway, it is better to keep away from mistakes. With that purpose you need to go online and look out for some advice concerning the spy cameras that you think of. The thing is that spy cameras belong to the category of technological equipment. And as you know high technological devices and equipment on the whole is always expensive. Thus, in order to buy a spy camera of good quality and at the same time not to devastate your budget it is necessary to look out for spy cameras coupons online.

You do know that different stores and online stores in particular practice attracting people by means of different benefits. Thus, you can be offered free coupons for spy cameras at some of online electronic stores to take use of them. If you have never dealt with coupons before then you need to talk to a coupons expert online.

Spy Camera Gift Basket Idea

Sometimes it is very difficult to choose a present especially if you don’t know well the person whom you are going to present it. Gift baskets will help you to solve this problem. Gift baskets are perfect both for men and women and for sure will everyone will like them. Gift baskets are also very convenient if you buy your present an hour before you present it, because they can be found at any shop. Gift baskets can also serve as a decoration in some room. A gift basket can help you to look after your house or your office. You wonder how? Very simple, you can put a spy camera into the basket. Modern spy cameras are small and it is not difficult to hide them. Spy cameras can serve for your safety and the safety of your family, so having a spy camera gift basket at home is a necessity.

Wireless spy cameras are considered to be among the best ones as they can be hidden everywhere and have the highest quality of image. Wireless spy cameras are the most modern spy devices which are easy to find and buy. You can buy them at a usual land-based store or at online one. Of course, the second variant is better because it allows you to choose from a bigger number of cameras and at online spy camera store you can buy a camera at a low price. Nowadays a hidden spy camera is not a luxury, it is a necessity which will help you to take care about your family. more info at: